Friday, August 24, 2007

Pro-Life Wisconsin demands retraction of defamatory statements by pro-abortion groups

As a Wisconsin citizen, I am angered at the lengths that NARAL and PP go to.... 
Lord have mercy....  

Brookfield, WI, August 24 (CNA).-Pro-Life Wisconsin is asking NARAL Pro-Choice Wisconsin and Planned Parenthood Advocates of Wisconsin to retract and correct false and defamatory statements published and aired about the organization and its executive director, Peggy Hamill.

The statements expressly name Pro-Life Wisconsin and Peggy Hamill as attendees and celebrants of a July 28 event in Milwaukee organized to commemorate Paul Hill's 1994 murder of a Florida abortionist, including a reenactment of the day of the murder and a memorial honoring Hill. 

"The statements that I was present or participated in the event as well as their interpretation that I or Pro-Life Wisconsin approve of or condone murder are totally false and defamatory," said Hamill.

"Pro-Life Wisconsin is a peaceful, prayerful organization that calls on God's grace to change hearts and minds toward an unconditional love for His most precious pre-born children. We oppose violence against the pre-born, and we oppose violence against those who perform abortions or participate in the abortion industry."

According to a press release issued by the pro-life group, Hamill and her husband were near the abortion mill earlier in the day, their personal van parked around on a side street, praying the rosary on behalf of the babies, as is their custom every Saturday. They intentionally left the area well in advance, to avoid the re-enactment event, and by the time it was scheduled, 11 a.m., they were miles away.

"Planned Parenthood even went so far as to shoot a video of me praying the rosary well before the reenactment event began and then splice it into their video of the event to make it appear as if I were a participant," said Hamill. "Such action cannot be passed off as a mistake, but rather a calculated effort to smear my name and that of my organization.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

In Satan's Footsteps

This email came today. I added the video to it. God bless!


Walid's younger son Theodore, 16 years old has entered the public arena like Walid with a book which we just wrote and published called "In Satan's Footsteps" and completed his first TV interview on Gods Learning Channel last week which was a great success. More TV and Radio interviews are booked and planned.

The book is about evil and how it interconnects through history. It exposes Islam, the cults and how all evil consists of similar traits. It is a fascinating scholarily book. You would never know it was written and researched by someone so young.

The book is available on the web site and

There is a great promo video on the web site - please check it out

Best Regards


CinemaNet organizes colloquium on Catholic resistance to Nazism

There is a link at the end of this article, and unfortunately, it does not lead to an English language website. I would love to learn more about this, but cannot read enough at the website to be able to understand what is being said. But the rest of the article gives enough information that I can google later tonight....
God bless~

Madrid, August 22 (CNA).-The organization CinemaNet is organizing a conference with the historian and founder of Europe4Christ, Martin Kugler, about the movie "Sophie Scholl: The Last Days," which tells the story of a Catholic family's resistance to Nazism.

The event will be part of the 3rd International Film and Family Show, which will take place August 28 at the FIATC auditorium in Barcelona at 7:00pm.  The event will also include a discussion on the black legend that Pius XII did not do enough to help the Jews, when in reality he was one of their strongest defenders during WWII.

Martin Kugler is a historian from Austria and founder of Europe4Christ, a social and political movement against moral relativism.  He worked as a volunteer in Guatemala and is the author of a thesis on the Catholic Church in Austria under Nazism. 

More information can be found at:

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Well-known Catholic author explores Harry Potter series

Well-known Catholic author explores Harry Potter series

Ontario, August 21 (CNA).-Distinguished author, Michael D. O'Brien, has provided CNA with one of his columns on the best-selling Harry Potter series. To read the column "Harry Potter and the Death of God"  please visit our columns section under "Good Books".

O'Brien's column provides readers with an analysis of the popular series that is knowledgeable and well-argued. The author cautions that readers should not stop with this article but should read his previous reflections as well.

Michael O'Brien is also the author of seven novels and a book on the paganization of children's culture, "A Landscape With Dragons: the Battle for your Child's Mind", all published by Ignatius Press.

DYLAN, a Little Fighter/Survivor Updates/Pics

There is a little boy who needs prayers, and his family... he's a fighter, and says he is not sick! There are photos of him in order to let you see who you are praying for, sent by his Aunt Leann.

I have put all of the previous updates into this one email, in order to be able to put it on the left side of my blog. I want to draw attention to it, to keep reminding myself and others to pray for Dylan.

Today is 8/21/07. As more updates come in, I will add them to this email, as I have time.

God bless!

5/5/07 Dylan Update

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Trailer 4 - Two Lost Souls

"My grandmother used to say...If you want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans!" Trailer number four opens with this now familiar line (to those of us wanting to see this movie, that is... though I have heard it before. It has fit my own life many times.

If this trailer, which I think is the best one of the four (and all are good...) makes me tear up, I cannot begin to imagine how moving the entire movie must be!

I really want to see this movie, and I am praying that it comes to my area! I want the DVD also, but cannot afford the price I have seen quoted pre-release!

Trailer 3 - One Moment

bellathemovie has two new trailers on YouTube. I think that they are better than the first two, and number four is the best, IMHO.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Dean is Category 5!

Hurricane Dean is a Category 5, ready to hit Mexico!
Pray for all those in the Path of the Storm!
Lord, Have Mercy!
God bless!

Dylan's latest...

This is the one that came today... please remember his parents, especially his Mom (and siblings) in your prayers.
I LOVE the fight in this boy! I had a special love for the really ill children that I took care of as a nurse for so many years like him..and also for the developmentally disabled kids/adults.
St Pio, St Peregrine, be with this family and help this child. Ask the Lord with us for a miracle of complete healing so that this boy can grow up, and be a witness for the power of God!
Jesus, I trust in you!
God bless!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Em
Date: Aug 20, 2007 3:33 PM
This is so gut wrenching for me.. I just don't know what I would do in their shoes....  it is very humbling...  Thanks so much for your continued prayers...

I just wanted to give you a little update on Dylan...  The spots that they left up in his shoulder are now gone and the spot on his lung is less than a centimeter in size.  The doctors still feel he needs radiation, so he will be starting that on the 27th.  He will be going through 31 treatments.  They are going to be shooting it into the middle of his chest and then letting it spread out, to hit anything they might not be seeing. 
Geoff and Mandy do not have peace with this, so please pray for their peace and that this is what really needs to be done.  Mandy starts to cry every time she talks about it.  Once I have the baby I'm going to help her in taking him down during the week for his treatments.  He is on chemo right now and will be taken off on Monday morning around 6:00, he will then have a blood transfusion before coming home this time.  Geoff is down there with him this time around, because Mandy just couldn't take much more right now...

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Fw: a new pic of Dylan

I am not sure that the picture will  show up, but will fix it later. I forgot to send this one, and got another update today, which I will also send. Please keep this entire family in prayer!!
God bless!!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Em 
Date: Aug 12, 2007 10:46 PM

Thought you all might like an update on dylan.  This kid really is amazing... and humbling...  Leann is due any day now with baby girl number three.  There have been a few complications and is currently on bed rest for the next few weeks.  The baby's name will be "Delainie" or "Lanie"for short.....  They are all still very positive and hopeful for Dylans full recovery.  We continue to pray for a miracle!
Thanks again!
Sent: Saturday, August 11, 2007 11:28 PM
Subject: a new pic of Dylan

Good evening,

I just thought you all would enjoy a recent picture of the crazy man.  I found a local photographer who would go to their home and take some pictures of all of them together.  They hadn't taken a family picture for a couple of years.  The lady who did this for them actually spent a few hours with them and in the end charged them nothing for doing it.  Here is one of the many picture she took.   Dylan is doing good and will be going down this Friday to start is fifth round of chemo and to also start radiation.  He does have a spot on his lung at this time, but he's come this far.  I believe with all my heart he will fight it and make it through.

Blessings to all,

View full size

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Mike McManus of MarriageSavers spoke on Aug 19 in DC at "Family Preservation Day", and his speech is now online. I have the first part HERE, and encourage you to read it. The rest of his speech can be found online at
I have highlighted all of the parts that are important (could just highlight the whole first section of his talk, but... )
I think no fault divorce is unconstitutional and denies one party due process or ANY voice in defending themselves, and IS forced unilaterally on the other party in most cases. In the rare case where there are no children and both want out ... so be it. But those cases are NOT as prevalent as you may think. MOST are forced by ONE, often the same ONE that has been unfaithful.
It needs to be ended. Those of us who are Respondents, who did not want a divorce deserve to have a say in our defense, and in preserving our Marriage.
And our CHILDREN deserve to have an intact home and family! FIRST families, not second, third, etc~
And clergy??? Bishops? Priests? Pastors? Read Elizabeth Marquardt's works, especially those that are speaking to YOU, and help US, not those wanting to destroy marriages through divorce. Two 'easy reads are HERE and HERE....but don't just 'help them accept' a divorce... HELP THE PARENTS RECONCILE! Those KIDS deserve it, and Scripture STRONGLY advises it... read JESUS' words in Matt 5:31-32,
Matt 19:3-8, Mark 10:2-12 and Luke 16:18, and read it as though He MEANT them...for, SURPRISE!! HE DID!
Our children deserve to be considered FIRST! NOT those from second marriages that Christ called adulterous (as in 'live together like brother and sister' and you can go to Communion ...etc... but as in Repent, Turn from Sin, and Go, sin no in 'Remain single or be reconciled -- 1Cor 7:10-11, 15...)
Read Mike McManus's words to you below!!
What does God say about Divorce?? Listen... He THUNDERS the words!
And God bless!!
13 Another thing you do: You flood the LORD's altar with tears. You weep and wail because he no longer pays attention to your offerings or accepts them with pleasure from your hands. 14 You ask, "Why?" It is because the LORD is acting as the witness between you and the wife of your youth, because you have broken faith with her, though she is your partner, the wife of your marriage covenant.   15 Has not the LORD made them one? In flesh and spirit they are his. And why one? Because he was seeking godly offspring . [e] So guard yourself in your spirit, and do not break faith with the wife of your youth.

 16 "I hate divorce," says the LORD God of Israel, "and I hate a man's covering himself [ f] (or his wife) with violence as well as with his garment," says the LORD Almighty.
      So guard yourself in your spirit, and do not break faith.

God bless!

By Mike McManus

The following remarks were made at Lincoln Memorial on August 19, 2007

I am Mike McManus, who co-founded, with my wife, Harriet, Marriage Savers, a national non-profit organization. We have worked with 10,000 pastors and priests in 220 cities to create Community Marriage Policies that have reduced the divorce and cohabitation rates, and raised the marriage rate. I also write a nationally syndicated newspaper column, Ethics & Religion which suggests answers to America's moral problems. It is an honor to speak here at America's first "Family Preservation Day."

1. All of us have one thing in common. We care about the future of our children. All kids need a mother and father who love them. However, children are the product of choices by parents:

* Millions choose either to not get married or to divorce.

* Some 1.5 million innocent children are born annually to unwed parents. Often Dad disappears.

* Another million children a year see their parents divorce.

* Children often lose regular access to both parents, especially their dads.

2. The law encourages divorce, because one person can file for divorce when their spouse wants to save the marriage .

* What was entered into by two people can be ended by one unilaterally.

* This is called "No Fault Divorce," because a spouse wanting divorce does not have to identify a major fault, such as adultery or abuse.

* No Fault Divorce should be called UNILATERAL DIVORCE.

* Courts have taken away the children of millions of parents. A father can lose his family, his home, and have to pay high child support.

3. This is a profound moral issue. Yet church leaders were either silent or ineffectual in fighting No Fault when it swept America in the 1970's. Nor have they attempted to reform the law in the 30 years since.

4. The result: America has the world's highest divorce rate: * Half of marriages end in divorce. There has been one divorce for every two marriages every year since 1973.

* Many are needless, and are later regretted.

* Another 30 million children have been born to unwed parents since 1970.

* A third of these children are expelled from school or become pregnant as teenagers. They are five times as likely as those from intact homes to grow up in poverty, to commit suicide and are 12 times as apt to be jailed.

5. The cost to taxpayers is staggering. - $150 billion a year, according to the Heritage Foundation.

* Nearly half of mothers and children on welfare had a failed marriage.

* The rest came from non-marriages, such as cohabitation.

* The government has provided welfare, food stamps, housing subsidies, an Earned Income Tax Credit and day care subsidies as a result.

* They do not equal the value to a child of growing up with Mom and Dad

6. It is time to change history. We must speak out and give voice to the voiceless - to our children who depend on us.

* It is time to restore the family.

* It is time to reform No Fault Divorce

* It is time to help unwed couples with kids really consider marriage.

* It is time to help those in struggling marriages to save them.

* It is time to give our children their birthright - a mother and father who will love them.

* It is time to reduce the $150 billion cost of non-marriage & divorce

7. The Church, the one institution we expect to be concerned about morality and about the family, has remained mute. Therefore, I call upon America's bishops and elected religious leaders to take the lead. Jesus is quoted in Mark and Matthew saying, 'Therefore, what God has joined together, let man not put asunder.' America has put asunder 39 million marriages since 1970, affecting 36 million kids. As Malachi put it, 'I hate divorce says the Lord God of Israel.'"

How can America's clergy change things?

* Church leaders must demand that the Presidential candidates consider three reforms that will:

* Net cost the Federal Government -- not one penny.

* Will slash the deficit by tens of billions of the $150 billion cost of failed marriages and non-marriages.

* Will put flesh on the "Family Values" rhetoric all candidates -- Democratic and Republican - claim to support.

FIRST REFORM: Replace No Fault Divorce with Mutual Consent Divorce. A Presidential candidate ought to consider saying:

* "What was entered into by two people should not be allowed to end unless both husband and wife agree, if they have children

* "If neither alleges a major fault like adultery or abuse, divorce should only be granted by Mutual Consent, or as some put it, "Both Fault Divorce."

* "The States have failed to enact this reform because the divorce industry has a stranglehold on state legislatures.

* "Therefore I will seek a Federal law to protect children and families.

* "Millions of parents have worked out their differences for their kids.

* "More will do so in the future, if Congress replaces No Fault Divorce with Mutual Consent Divorce.

* "A mother or father should not be allowed to unilaterally divorce the child's other parent.

* "Husbands and wives who pledged to stick together "till death do us part' should live their vows pledged on the altar of God.

* "Why? Children need both a married mother and father.

* "What was entered into by two people, should not be exited by one spouse acting alone, against the interest of their own children.

* "Government has an interest in the future of children, and they are best protected with the love only a married mother and father can offer.

* "I believe Mutual Consent could slash divorce rates by a third, saving 3 million marriages from divorce over the next decade," Presidential candidates might say.


Sunday, August 19, 2007

Campaigning for Senator Brownback

I got an email from my sister about her friend's blog. The Wasinger's are campaigning for Senator Brownback. Rob Wasinger is his campaign manager .
(Sara lives in the DC area, and has been blessed with meeting many people out there...). 
Rob and Meghan have been at my sister's when I visit out there, so Sara thought I would enjoy the blog, and told me I can also alert others of its existence, including putting it here, on my own blog. (Sorry it has taken me some time, Sara~)
It sounds like the family is really enjoying the trip!
God bless!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Aug 8, 2007 7:48 PM
Thought you might enjoy looking at this!


-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Meghan Wasinger
Sent: Sunday, August 05, 2007 3:44 PM