Thursday, September 09, 2010

Cardinal Says Gays Mock Family

My other favorite quote of his:

(4 June 2003) "In many parts of the world, the family is under siege. It is opposed by an anti-life mentality as is seen in contraception, abortion, infanticide and euthanasia. It is scorned and banalized by pornography, desecrated by fornication and adultery, mocked by homosexuality, sabotaged by irregular unions and cut in two by divorce."

Cardinal Says Gays Mock Family

Cardinal Arinze Advises Against Divorce

One quote I have that I JUST LOVE, for its honesty and Truth:

"Divorce tears marriage apart. It desolates both husband and wife. It leaves the children not only in tears but also in misery. We do not deny that there can be serious disagreement between husband and wife, but divorce is not the solution. When husband and wife have a disagreement, they should reflect, pray, sit together and discuss. Accept fault where you are wrong, ask for pardon, or consult a priest or other spiritual adviser, but do not divorce."
~~Francis Cardinal Arinze

Cardinal Arinze Advises Against Divorce

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

John Wagner Talks about Maxine.-- Crown Minute #17: "Crabby Mother's Day"

I just love "Maxine".........This is her creator, John Wagner, talking about her, and his mother's enjoyment of her as well...

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Notre Dame University Fires Pro-Life Staffer for Joining Obama-Abortion Protest

Is anyone going to look into this "Catholic" University for any evidence of CATHOLIC values?

There is more in the beginning of the article... but this part is enough to make me sick:

"Without compromising his administrative duties, Bill stood with the students of NDResponse at their rally on the South Quad on Commencement day," he said. "He was the only senior administrator at Notre Dame willing to do so."

"At the time Bill took part in the NDResponse rally, many people commented on the courage it took for him to stand with his wife and other witnesses to this protest of Notre Dame’s decision to award President Obama an honorary degree. I personally discounted these worries, believing that the Notre Dame administration would admire him for his principled stand on a matter so close to the Catholic heart of Notre Dame, even if they disagreed with his particular action," Solomon continued.

"The administration welcomed President Obama’s sharp dissent from and attack on central Catholic teaching on life. It seemed only reasonable that they would equally welcome dissent from university policy by such a loyal Catholic and member of the Notre Dame family as Bill Kirk—especially when his dissent was made in the name of the Catholic principles at Notre Dame’s heart and in the company of his bishop," he continued.

Solomon says there was apparently reason for Kirk to be concerned after all and he no worries about what "chilling effect" the firing will have on other Notre Dame staff.

"A number of other administrators have told me that in light of Bill Kirk’s treatment, they will in the future keep their heads down rather than dissent from the policies of the central administration," he said.

The Notre Dame professor doesn't buy the excuse that the firing came for "restructuring reasons" since Kirk seems to be the only person in the office whose job was eliminated.

He concluded: "The Kirks will survive their brutal treatment by Our Lady’s University. They are people of enormous energy and talent—and goodness. They will make new friends and contribute to other communities elsewhere. It is those of us left behind who are the real losers, and those responsible for the firing of Bill Kirk may suffer the biggest losses of all."
Read the entire article, and the hyperlinks here:

Notre Dame University Fires Pro-Life Staffer for Joining Obama-Abortion Protest

Really sad. Our Lady must be so ashamed....

Lord, have Mercy!