Saturday, July 01, 2006

A Terrorist Who Turned To Love--Walid Shoebat

In a Front Page interview with Walid Shoebat that I had not yet seen...just a bit here, to show you why his message is so important for everyone to hear. But don't stop with this small bit, go read the rest of the article, and then listen to him and the other ex-terrorists online here.

FP: Tell us a bit about the violent culture you come from.

Shoebat: This question requires an entire book to respond to fully, but simply put, one must never forget Nazi Germany. Nazism was the process of robbing the religious institutions, arts, media, and the social fabric of the German society. Likewise, in the Middle East, one can find the same elements as Nazi Germany, with a crucial difference:

1 - This form has a religious twist to it – Islamic fundamentalism.

2 - This goes beyond one country as Germany. Islamic fundamentalism is attempting to spread itself throughout 55 Muslim states.

But like Nazism and Communism, it has no respect for national borders and the end justifies the means.

Now, what type of a child can a system like this produce?

So I was taught day-in-and-day-out: Jew-Hatred. In the mosque, songs, social life.

Hatred develops like drug addiction, from stone throwing to Molotov cocktails to ending up planting a bomb.

FP: Why is it so vital for Palestinians to hate Jews?

Shoebat: Once the disease has been identified in my lines above (Islamo-Nazism), it would be easy to respond to your question with a question - why do Muslim fanatics behead Americans on TV?

Well... they hate Americans, but is it only Americans? Koreans die as well as even other Muslims.

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Walid Shoebat Related

Former PLO member speaks out
Walid Shoebat
11/17/ 2005
More on Hitler's Mufti
More on Walid Shoebat Cancellation
Walid Shoebat and Princeton.....
Iranian President
From Walid Shoebat Foundation

"In Iran, Arming for Armageddon" by Krautkramer
Interview with three former terrorists available
Ex-terrorists' Interviews Now Online
Hamas Claims Election
Walid Shoebat, Ibrahim Abdullah, and Zachariah Anani
Dr. Tawfik Hamid At Georgetown on Feb 16, 2006
Walid Invited to Speak by The Orthodox Union
Home Grown Terrorists
Walid in Washington State tonight and tomorrow
Walid Shoebat, Ibrahim Abdullah, Zachariah Anani
John Kasich to interview Walid Shoebat tonight
A Terrorist Who Turned To Love--Walid Shoebat

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John Kasich to interview Walid Shoebat tonight

Walid Shoebat Foundation has sent out this email today:


Walid will be interviewed by phone on John Kasich Heartland at around 8 pm EST tonight July 1st Fox News Channel

The subject matter will be "home grown terrorism in USA" and the footage that was shown at the Three Ex Terrorist event will be be shown during Walid's interview tonight.

Walid is also currently tentatively scheduled to be interviewed on CNN on July 7th. We will advise exact time when confirmed. If it is confirmed it will be the first interview for Walid on CNN.

We also have scheduled a major lecture with "Two Ex terrorists and Former Nazi," a new program which will be held at a Major Ivy League campus at the beginning of October. I cannot announce which university at this moment for security reasons but will advise about one month from event.

The idea of this lecture is to explain the link with Islamic terror and Nazi ideology. When a former Nazi and former Islamic terrorists give their personal testimony one notices how similar they are and explains to Students and the American people the dangers we face today.

The Truth is now getting out and our leaders need to impose the necessary policies to deal with the evil we all face.


Keith Davies

Walid Shoebat Foundation

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Updated again on Gretawire About Baby Peter

From Gretawire, another update on Baby Peter:

Now for some e-mails — the first one that people have been asking for:

E-mail No. 1 — You will recognize this next e-mailer — my colleague Catherine Herridge:


Hope you are well.

After a rough couple of days, Peter has astounded us with some big steps forward. On Monday night they had to put the breathing tube back in after he had some lung collapse, but he has stunned all the doctors. The tube is back out now and he is breathing well on his own.
The lung collapse sounds dramatic, but it is very common in babies who've had liver transplants. His new liver is only 9 ounces, but it is big for him. This literally gives him less space to expand his lungs. The problem is only temporary, he will quickly grow into his new organ. They same way a kid would grow into a new pair of shoes.

The preliminary results from the liver biopsy do not appear to show any signs of serious rejection. The liver appears to be working well and the fluctuation in the liver function tests are probably due to stress and perhaps an infection. We will know more later today.

I have been having a few aches and pains after my surgery. I went to the transplant clinic today and they told me it was all very normal. After they take out a piece of your liver, everything kind of moves around inside to fill the space. So as the liver grows back it literally pushes your stomach back into its normal position. Also your ribs move! (That was even a little too much information for me!)

While I was at the clinic, I was introduced to a woman who was donating part of her liver. It was amazing to meet her because it was like our situation but in reverse. She was giving the liver to her mother who has been really ill. Greta, I am constantly amazed at the depth of humanity — just how much people are willing to subject themselves to in an effort to help.
We all miss you here in Pittsburgh. Will hug baby Peter for you!

Catherine, JD and Jamie

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

A Good Interview and a Slam--All in the Day of a Blogger!

Sometimes a person just can't even blog with all the interruptions, ya know?

Today, I barely went to one, and the phone rang, then it rang again. I love phone calls, but Gerald will probably think that SOMEONE spent a LOT of time on his blog really reading seriously... not!

I just forgot to close the window.

But later, I remembered that I had wanted to find out what he needed The Anchoress to defend him for, and found that he had also been interviewed! I also could have found the interview if I had looked two stories lower on his blog, BUT then I would have missed a good defense of Gerald for a swipe taken by someone who apparently did not read The Cafeteria Is Closed very well!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

It's an Islamic jihad, stupid By Diana West

From Janjan at With Issue, who pointed me to this at .

It's an Islamic jihad, stupid

Jun 19, 2006
by Diana West

Promises Kept by Kristi Powers

The other day while listening to Relevant Radio, there was Glenn's Story Time, with the story 'The Day that Lisa Lost" playing. It was a really inspiring story, so today, when the topic of sports came up elsewhere, I could not help but try to find it online. I did, but then also went looking for a little information about Lisa Kincaid, the athlete in the story by Michael T Powers.

One thing leads to another, and I then wanted to know just a little more about him, also.

Well, I did learn that he has that story and others in a book that he and his wife wrote. BUT, I also read one by her, and today, it means even more than it would on any other day of the year.

God bless!

Promises Kept

By Kristi Powers
From Michael and Kristi's new book, Straight From the Heart "A Celebration of Life"
In a world where so many lives are being torn apart by divorce and heartache, comes a story of a father and a daughter, and an unspoken promise that was kept.


My father was not a sentimental man. I don't remember him ever "ooohhing" or "ahhing" over something I made as a child. Don't get me wrong; I knew that my dad loved me, but getting all mushy-eyed was not his thing. I learned that he showed me love in other ways.

There was one particular time in my life when this became real to me...

I always believed that my parents had a good marriage, but just before I, the youngest of four children, turned sixteen, my belief was sorely tested. My father, who used to share in the chores around the house, gradually started becoming despondent. From the time he came home from his job at the factory to the time he went to bed, he hardly spoke a word to my mom or us kids. The strain on my mom and dad's relationship was very evident. However, I was not prepared for the day that Mom sat my siblings and me down and told us that Dad had decided to leave. All that I could think of was that I was going to become a product of a divorced family. It was something I never thought possible, and it grieved me greatly. I kept telling myself that it wasn't going to happen, and I went totally numb when I knew my dad was really leaving. The night before he left, I stayed up in my room for a long time. I prayed and I cried?and I wrote a long letter to my Dad. I told him how much I loved him and how much I would miss him. I told him that I was praying for him and wanted him to know that, no matter what, Jesus and I loved him. I told him that I would always and forever be his Krissie...his Noodles. As I folded my note, I stuck in a picture of me with a saying I had always heard. "Anyone can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a daddy."

Early the next morning, as my Dad left our house, I sneaked out to the car and slipped my letter into one of his bags.

Two weeks went by with hardly a word from my father. Then, one afternoon, I came home from school to find my mom sitting at the dining room table waiting to talk to me. I could see in her eyes that she had been crying. She told me that Dad had been there and that they had talked for a long time. They decided that there were things that the both of them could and would change?and that their marriage was worth saving. Mom then turned her focus to my eyes?"Kristi, Dad told me that you wrote him a letter. Can I ask what you wrote to him?" I found it hard to share with my mom what I had written from my heart to my dad. I mumbled a few words and shrugged. Mom said, "Well, Dad said that when he read your letter, it made him cry. It meant a lot to him and I have hardly ever seen your dad cry. After he read your letter, he called to ask if he could come over to talk. Whatever you said really made a difference to your dad."

A few days later my dad was back, this time to stay. We never talked about the letter, my dad and I. I guess I always figured that it was something that was a secret between us.

My parents went on to be married a total of thirty-six years before my dad's early death at the age of fifty-three cut short their lives together. In the last sixteen years of my parent?s marriage I, and all those who knew my mom and dad, witnessed one of the truly "great" marriages. Their love grew stronger every day, and my heart swelled with pride as I saw them grow closer together...

When Mom and Dad received the news from the doctor that his heart was deteriorating rapidly, they took it hand in hand, side by side, all the way.

After Dad's death, we had the most unpleasant task of going through his things. I have never liked this task and opted to run errands so I did not have to be there while most of the things were divided and boxed up. When I got back from my errand, my brother said "Kristi, Mom said to give this to you. She said you would know what it meant." As I looked down into his outstretched hand, it was then that I knew the impact of my letter that day so long ago. In my brother's hand was my picture that I had given my dad that day. My unsentimental dad, who never let his emotions get the best of him, my dad, who almost never outwardly showed his love for me, had kept the one thing that meant so much to him and me. I sat down and the tears began to flow, tears that I thought had dried up from the grief of his death, but that had now found new life as I realized what I had meant to him. Mom told me that Dad kept both the picture and that letter his whole life. I have a box in my home that I call the "Dad box". In it are so many things that remind me of my dad. I pull that picture out every once in a while and remember. I remember a promise that was made many years ago between a young man and his bride on their wedding day, and I remember the unspoken promise that was made between a father and his daughter...

A promise kept.

Kristi Powers

Send my lovely wife an email and let her know what you thought as you read her story!

Copyright � 1999 by Kristi Powers, All rights reserved
The above story is from Michael and Kristi's new book: Straight From the Heart: "A Celebration of Life." which was just released this past week!
To get your own copy, visit:

Happy Anniversary!

Today, we have three married adult children, with another minor child, two sons-in-law, a daughter-in-law, and four young grandchildren.

I am doing as I always do, and quietly honoring the day.

Happy 36th Anniversary, M. 14344, 7...7. God bless you!

"143, 44..... 7, M".

God bless you!

Our vows:

I (M), take you (M) to be my wife.
I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad,
in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you
all the days of my life.

I (M), take you (M) to be my husband.
I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad,
in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you
all the days of, my life.

grin... exactly as they were said that day, remember.....

(Happy Anniversary to you and dh, also, Jean of Catholic Fire!)

Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem!

Yesterday's news:

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert ruled out negotiations to free a captured Israeli soldier Monday as his nation's tanks and troops gathered along the Gaza Strip border in anticipation of an operation against Palestinian militants.

"This is not a matter of negotiations, this is not a matter of bargaining," Olmert told a group of Jewish leaders in Jerusalem. Cpl. Gilad Shalit, a dual French-Israeli citizen, was seized by Palestinian gunmen in a cross-border raid on Sunday.

In Gaza City, dozens of relatives of the 8,000 Palestinians held in Israeli prisons urged militants to hold Shalit until Israel agrees to a large-scale release of jailed Palestinians.

"Kidnap a soldier and free 100 in return," the crowd said. "Twist the Zionists' hands. Hope they can learn."

Today's news:

"We will not hold back on our efforts, and to our great sorrow, part of this price will be paid by the residents of the Gaza Strip," Haim Ramon, a senior Israeli Cabinet Minister, told Army Radio. "This strike will come and it will be very painful. In order to stop this, I call on authorities in the Palestinian Authority to do all they can to bring Gilad home."

Israel does not fool around. When they warn you, they mean it. They also don't let one of their own stay captive anymore. The warning was that it would be painful. They were not heeded. They have begun.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

And for the region... and for the world.

***More news****

White House press secretary Tony Snow said he had only seen media accounts of the Hamas-Fatah accord, but reiterated that Hamas had to meet three conditions before a crippling aid boycott could be lifted.

"Once again, we can all recite from memory now: recognize Israel's right to exist, renounce terror, and abide by all past agreements. Those are the preconditions," Snow said in Washington.

Baby Peter Doing Well

Baby Peter is off the ventilator now. That's good news from Catherine Herridge, via Gretawire:

As you know, we continue to follow the progress of our colleague Catherine Herridge's son Peter, who now has part of her liver in him. Since it is better to get it straight from the source, here is what Catherine wrote me yesterday: \n\t\n\t\t

E-mail No. 1

Hello from Pittsburgh!

We are spending all our time in the ICU with Peter. The nurses have nicknamed him "happy" because he is smiling so much now. Recovery is not a straight line, so we have some days when Peter makes terrific progress and others where he slips back. Peter has now been "extubated" (that means the breathing tube has been taken out of his lungs). This is a major step forward. He still has some breathing support from a thin tube that lies under his nose. Of course, Peter being Peter, he expends a lot of baby effort trying to pull it off!

I have a lot of respect for the ICU doctors. The day Peter started breathing on his own, he had severe withdrawal from the pain and sedation medication he had been on. So severe, that his heart rated dropped in half. The doctors, especially Dr. Shakar, stayed calm and helped Peter get through this. It seemed like the longest hour of my life. They didn\'t give up on him and they didn\'t do the easy thing either, which would have been to put his breathing tube back in. We are so grateful for their grace under pressure.

To deal with the withdrawal, Peter is now on methadone. Apparently, this is pretty common with transplant kids. My husband and I try to make light of it, by telling Peter we will help him "kick his habit" when he's better!

I don't know how these doctors come in every day. The kids in an ICU are so very sick and many of them won't make it. But these teams give it their best shot every day, for families they have never met before, it's an amazing thing.

As for his liver, this is a critical time, when some form of rejection can take place. I know Peter's doctors are monitoring this closely. Every day you look at his blood work wondering if it shows rejection or just an infection. This is an anxious time.

Please thank everyone who is pulling for "happy." We can't thank you enough. Will give him a big kiss for you.



Monday, June 26, 2006

Happy Anniversary Daughter and Son-in-Law!

A very Happy Anniversary
to my daughter and her husband,
and many more are wished.

God be with you, and bless you!

Last year