Dear WI Catholic,
Historical fact:
Before Hitler, the Weimar Republic of Germany was a government much like our own. Hitler was elected to Parliament with only 1/3 of the vote. (No need for Acorn to pack ballot boxes) 83% of Christians of all denominations voted for him. On the platform of National Socialism (Nazi) economics CHANGE was proclaimed and promised.
Just as we see today, politicians blamed "Jewish bankers" (i.e. Wall Street) and the sitting Parliament (i.e. Republicans) for the Depression. Hitler, THE ONE LEADER, formed coalitions within Parliament and was then made Chancellor. Laws were changed to fit the National Socialist agenda. Courts were packed with compliant judges. Children were forced into education programs at school which required education in National Socialism and "community service." Children were encouraged to "inform" on friends and family. Prayer was removed from schools. Anyone who disagreed with Socialist government policies (i.e. abortion, euthanasia) was labeled a radical. This included Protestant Christians of the Confessing Church like Bonhoeffer and Catholics who opposed abortion, euthanasia and forced sterilization.
Our issue as Christ Followers is this: Obama's proven policy of abortion on demand and infanticide - the government approved slaughter of 48 million babies. This alone is eternally significant even if the racism of Jeremiah Wright and the radical education policies of Bill Ayers had never been brought up.
Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan is calling Obama "The Messiah."
There is only one who is The Messiah. That is Jesus Christ.
Truth and facts are not "Republican propaganda." America has elected a man who with Pelosi and Reid in both Houses, and the probability of a packed Supreme Court, will continue and encourage genocide of the most vulnerable citizens; the unborn; and the elderly. In our own land this has surpassed the numbers of innocent victims murdered in the holocaust many times over. A generation is wiped out. Now more innocent babies will die because America wanted "change" and too many ignored the teachings of the church on the sanctity of life.
God does not "punish", he simply steps back when his people choose to follow a false god. By voting for Hitler and agreeing with his policies, Germans punished themselves. They themselves let the wolf guard the lambs. Their nation fell because of this terrible evil.
50% of America voted brought Obama into power over our lives. That leaves 48% of us who must now continue to speak for those who have no voice.
Have no doubt the false Christians who disregard abortion as any issue at all, will accuse you of extremism and hate speak. Have no doubt your stand against this holocaust will cost you something on earth, but you are standing up for everything the Lord holds dear.
To warn is not "fear mongering." It is warning those in peril of their souls. I do believe this election says more about the pathetic condition of an apathetic church than it does about Obama who is only one man.
Hard times are coming. Stand firm and know you are doing the righteous thing by speaking up.
Use my name any time you like. Post what you believe is relevant. I believe many who voted for LIFE may now become complacent even though our battle has just begun.
Blessings and love dear sister,