Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Amazing Grace: Parents cradle baby for last time after life support is switched off... but then she


Amazing Grace: Parents cradle baby for last time after life support is switched off... but then she
To wicatholic.6453@blogger.com

Monday, June 22, 2009

Homeschoolers under attack in the UK

Homeschoolers under attack in the UK http://tinyurl.com/krzcbz

This came from Patrick Madrid.

God bless!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Wesley J Smith: Save $$ by Killing the Sick at First Things

Wesley J Smith has a short comment on an article in his Secondhand Smoke blog at First Things which was written after reading this one  "The Economic Argument for Euthanasia," by Charlie Sprague.

Seems to me that this is already being done for those who are disabled (by court order in the case of Terri Schindler Schiavo), but people use other 'words' to justify it, like 'quality of life', death with dignity', 'wouldn't want to live this way'.....

Right now, however, they just stop feeding and hydrating the person. Takes a week or two, but... OR they put them into a hospice where Terminal Sedation is couched as 'keeping the person comfortable', when in reality, they are overdosing with Morphine until the person dies.
There will come a day when they 'put down' people more directly and 'humanely'....

Sorry, I have seen it coming for a long time, and it saddens and angers me.

God bless!