Open Letter about TWICE ADOPTED
Dear Michael Reagan,
Am nearly finished reading your book, and have to tell the world
about it, from your words about your birth mother and your Mom,
your words about your Dad and the hurt you felt as the child of divorce,
to your words of advice about raising children, to your account of what
ended your anger and brought healing ...your second adoption.
I have heard you speak on many of these topics on your radio show,
but your words in the book will touch many.
You are aware of the need for reform of the forced unilateral divorce
because of the background your family had, and your feelings as a child
about it. MANY children of divorce will relate to what you have to say,
but even more important, perhaps many parents will stop and think
again what they are doing, regardless of what so many 'experts' have
to say on the subject.
The love you have realized of both who gave you life
and one who gave you values to live that life is also profound. Many
will be blessed by seeing themselves in one role or the other,
sometimes in both.
The healing between you and your Dad over the years is also
something that will bless many. The need children have of both
parents is something so many forget and strongly need to be reminded of.
The self-blame of so many children that carries over into adulthood,
whether it is because of adoption, divorce, sexual exploitation/pornography
is also needed to be understood.
This book can touch many lives, as it has hit me in several different ways alone.
Thank you. You are your father's son, and... your Father's son.
God bless!