Saturday, March 21, 2009

American Papist: Not Your Average Catholic!: Exclusive: Abp. Chaput calls on Catholics to write ND

American Papist: Not Your Average Catholic!: Exclusive: Abp. Chaput calls on Catholics to write ND

Archbishop Chaput urges Catholics to write to Notre Dame about Obama at Commencement...


God bless!

Patrick Madrid: Here's How Margaret Sanger Became a "Crusader" For Birth Control

Patrick Madrid: Here's How Margaret Sanger Became a "Crusader" For Birth Control

Mike Wallace interviews Margaret Sanger herself. The 'mother' of Planned Parenthood.

Thank you, Patrick Madrid!

God bless!

A One-Way Trip....

The Blog of the Courtier has written:

Necro-tourism: A One-Way Trip

"Now before my American readers think, "That won't happen here," yesterday
the State of Washington became the second in the United States,
after Oregon did so over a decade ago, to legalize physician-assisted suicide.
The Washington State law itself apparently does allow for some type
of conscience-clause for Catholic hospitals and other morally opposed to suicide.
However, recent moves by the Obama Administration
with respect to removing protections for doctors and nurses refusing
to perform abortions may ultimately lead to Catholic hospitals
being required to perform assisted suicide as well, or face closure."

To which I responded:

"Long ago, I told my mother that her generation would die natural deaths (most of them, anyway), but that mine would not. Just as there are abortion clinics, there would be euthanasia clinics. When my oldest was 15-16 yrs old, another young lady her age (pro-life) was prophetically speaking, saying that my generation had killed hers, and hers would kill mine. I told my children, she is right.

As we watch the conscience clause removed, as we watch a State's judicial system change our laws (ie Massachutsetts, Wyoming, etc), as we watch more and more T4 type thinking spread across the US (remember all the comments about Terri Schindler Schiavo) with the long ago terminology changes made regarding 'death with dignity' and 'quality of life', it won't be long after the start of nationalized health care when the realization that they CANNOT pay for everyone will become evident. Those deemed to need 'futile care' (TX) will also be immediate candidates for ... assistance to die.

Her generation... my generation... She could see it happening back then, just as I could."

Not only can it happen here, it isn't far from it, if we don't wake up, and may already be too late without a LOT of prayer and fasting and repentance...

From Conception to Natural Death!
Cherish it~
Respect it~
Protect it!

God bless!

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Friday, March 20, 2009

Cardinal Newman Society -- SCANDAL: Obama to Deliver Notre Dame Commencement

Heheh... sorry Cardinal Newman Society... I am trying to fit this on my blog, and really don't know how... but the message still gets out... forgive me.

God bless!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Cardinal Newman Society
Date: 2009/3/20 5:30PM

Cardinal Newman Society E-News
Renewing Catholic Higher Education March 20, 2009
CNS Logo
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President Obama to Deliver Notre Dame Commencement Address
Urgent Action: Sign the open letter to Notre Dame President Father John Jenkins and urge him to cancel Obama's commencement address, honorary doctorate, and speech set for May 17, 2009.



Mary has updates on this case. I feel so very sad for this mother and her children. May God have Mercy on him. May the children rest in peace.

God bless!

Another Obamanation & A Birthday Reflection

I am simply forwarding this, and not deleting the other...

Happy Birthday, John!

God bless!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: John Mallon
Date: Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 12:10 PM

Dear Friends:

Today is my birthday and I received yet another preview of coming attractions of what happens when you get old. Don't get me wrong, I have always loved my birthday (the first day of spring) and telling everyone about it like a little boy, and am actually looking forward to being a sweet silly eccentric old man taking joy in babies of all kinds: ducks, geese, kittens, puppies and of course, humans. I've found it a great way to stay sane as the world darkens and descends into deeper confusion in the Culture of Death. Years ago cancer robbed me of having my own babies so I compensate by loving them all!

So to the point: In my email last night I mistakenly put my inside the Vatican page (relevant stuff there too) instead of the specific article I wanted to draw attention to. It is here:

Conscience and the Dictatorship of Relativism

God bless,

Dear Friends,

My article for the week this week is from a few years ago from Inside the Vatican. I feel great urgency on this because of yet another Obamanation: the attempt to force doctors to violate their consciences (and the Hippocratic Oath) by forcing them to do abortions against their will. My nephew is a surgeon dedicated to pediatric heart surgery and I have another nephew in medical school, and needless to say I am very concerned about them, as I am for the future of our country as this madness goes on.

The article is:
Conscience and the Dictatorship of Relativism, from November 2005, and it features a sidebar by my friend Peter Kreeft.

For more information on stopping this evil see this story here

Medical Professionals Ask Obama to Keep Abortion Conscience Protections

And go here to take action:

Of related interest go here:

The Dictatorship of Relativism:
A conversation with Professor Peter Kreeft

The dictatorship has begun! Fight it!

In Christ,

Hello Mom, It's Me Comes After Can I Live?

On July 1, 2005, I introduced Nick Cannon and others to my blog readers. Over the years, I have at times been reminded of his song, both personally and through emails.

I know of NO adoptee who has ever regretted having been born. Some may regret having been adopted, as some birth mothers regret having placed their child for adoption. But the difference here is KEY to understanding the evil of abortion over the good of Adoption or raising a child out of wedlock:

Those allowed to live can someday turn to their mother and say...
"Thank you for choosing LIFE!"

There was a time when abortion was almost unheard of, and only then spoken of in whispered tones, for people knew of its evil.

There was a time when almost every child conceived was born. Some were forced into adoption, just as today, many are forced into abortions (boyfriend, parent). Nearly 1/3 of the children who would have been my children's ages are no longer with us today, having never been born.

BOTH of my daughters have been able to return to their birth mothers and tell them THANK YOU for life, in their own words, either personally, or by letter. They could not have done so, had their mothers not chosen LIFE. Both were born after the Jan 1975 Roe v Wade decision became the law of the land. I, too, have been able to tell three of the four birth parents... thank you.

Today, I am again reminded of Nick Cannon's "Can I Live" video and song by another email, this time pointing to a different singer, and a different song...

New ProLife Song
Hello Mom, It's Me

by Lloyd Marcus

After you've listened to that one, take a few minutes to once again hear Nick Cannon's.

God Bless!!!

Harvard University: "The Pope Is Correct"

Bridegroom Press
March, 19, 2009

The Pope Said Condoms Aggravate the Problem of AIDS
Pope Benedict XVI
"We have found no consistent associations between condom use and lower HIV-infection rates, which, 25 years into the pandemic, we should be seeing if this intervention was working."

So notes Edward C. Green, director of the AIDS Prevention Research Project at the Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies, in response to papal press comments en route to Africa this week.... "The pope is correct..."

Of course, if you've been reading, you already know this. - The Best Catholic News Source on the Web Now has a Twitter feed.


Steve Kellmeyer
Bridegroom Press

Another Obamanation -- from John Mallon

I have the same concerns, for all  health care workers.

God bless!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: John Mallon
Date: Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 12:33 AM

Dear Friends,

My article for the week this week is from a few years ago from Inside the Vatican. I feel great urgency on this because of yet another Obamanation: the attempt to force doctors to violate their consciences (and the Hippocratic Oath) by forcing them to do abortions against their will. My nephew is a surgeon dedicated to pediatric heart surgery and I have another nephew in medical school, and needless to say I am very concerned about them, as I am for the future of our country as this madness goes on.

The article is:
Conscience and the Dictatorship of Relativism, from November 2005, and it features a sidebar by my friend Peter Kreeft.

For more information on stopping this evil see this story here

Medical Professionals Ask Obama to Keep Abortion Conscience Protections

And go here to take action:

Of related interest go here:

The Dictatorship of Relativism:
A conversation with Professor Peter Kreeft

The dictatorship has begun! Fight it!

In Christ,

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Senator Inhofe's Message to the Susan B. Anthony List

What is this about?

What is this all about?? Who DID ok this? 22 MP's (Military Police) "and others" ... and no one can answer the questions?

Once again, having problems with the video showing... so the LINK to it is here.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Sr Rosalind Moss

Her website is finally beginning to take shape. There is contact information at the bottom, as well.

I hope that it doesn't take long to have more there.

I encourage you to keep her in prayer, as well as the future Archbishop of St Louis.

God bless!

Natahsha Richardson-Liam Neeson -- Way of the Cross

Pray for Liam Neeson, and for his wife, Natasha Richardson.

This message came just a few weeks ago.

Liam and her entire family are now in the throes of their own 'Way of the Cross'

I hope that the news media has it all wrong, and that she is NOT as seriously injured as first reported.

My prayers are with Natasha Richardson and Liam Neeson.

God bless!

Jonathan Krohn 14 yr old Conservative

This is the young man, now 14, who spoke at the CPAC (would love to listen to that talk again, if I could find it...).

This young man has outlined in just a few words what I have tried (not always successfully) to live. It is part of the reason that I have grown disgusted with Hannity a couple of years ago when he tried to shove Rudy down our throats as a good and strong GOP candidate for President. More on that another time. Today, I want to present Jonathan Krohn, who could teach Hannity and others a lot.

There are many Republicans that I would never vote for, just as there are many Democrats that will never see my vote.

  • Principle over Power
  • Principle over Party
  • Principle over Politics, Principles come first
Four principles of Conservatism:
  • Respect for the Constitution
  • Respect for Life
  • Less Government
  • Personal Responsibility

Not sure why the video (using their embed!) does not show, but the link is here, IF it works....

God bless!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

St Patrick's Day

Happy St Patrick's Day!

May your home always be a safe and warm refuge!
May your visitors feel welcome!
May He be honored there always, and always present!

May you have enough for you, and yours...
and always toss in a few extra potatoes for others who may come.

May you always be faithful to those you owe fidelity.

May God be with you and bless you,
may you see your children's children,
may you be poor in misfortunes and rich in blessing,
may you know nothing but happiness from this day forward.

"Three things I cannot escape:
the eye of God,
the voice of conscience,
the stroke of death.
In company, guard your tongue.
In your family, guard your temper.
When alone guard your thoughts."
~~Matt Talbot

Venerable Matt Talbot, Pray for Us!

St Patrick, Pray for Us!

GOD BLESS YOU! Rev. Joseph C. Martin Is Dead at 84; Used Fight With Alcohol to Aid Others

Rev. Joseph C. Martin Is Dead at 84; Used Fight With Alcohol to Aid Others

Published: March 15, 2009

The Rev. Joseph C. Martin, whose battle with alcoholism inspired him to become a national leader in the fight against the disease by speaking, writing books, making videos and starting a treatment center, died March 9 at his home in Havre de Grace, Md. He was 84.

The Rev. Joseph C. Martin used his struggle to aid others.

The probable cause of death was heart failure, said Rosemary Ostmann, a spokeswoman for Ashley, the highly rated treatment center Father Martin started near Havre de Grace. The center, sometimes called "the Betty Ford Clinic of the East," says it has helped more than 40,000 people, including several celebrities.

Father Martin first became widely known through a talk he gave on the 12 steps of recovery propounded by Alcoholics Anonymous. He sometimes began with a preface similar to the one every alcoholic uses to address meetings of the organization, changing it to give his full name: "My name is Joe Martin, and I'm an alcoholic."

With no preaching or moralizing, he spoke plainly of alcoholism as a sickness, not an evil. He used a blackboard and chalk, and in 1972, the Navy filmed the speech to use for mandatory addiction training, titling the movie "The Blackboard Talk." The speech came to be known as "the chalk talk," and subsequent videos of it and more than 40 more talks that Father Martin made were used in other branches of the military and throughout the federal government as well as in hospitals, corporations and treatment centers around the world. He wrote three books.

"We alcoholics drink because we can't not drink," Father Martin declared in his many talks. His motto: "Have chalk, will travel."

To read the rest, go here.


Another good piece on Obama's thoughts of how to treat wounded military... from the mother of one of our servicemen.

Sunday, March 15, 2009


In a recent article on - It was reported that the Obama Administration is "considering a controversial plan to make veterans pay for treatment of service-related injuries."

"Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki confirmed Tuesday that the Obama administration is considering a controversial plan to make veterans pay for treatment of service-related injuries with private insurance." Read the full article here:

My son is currently into his 2nd Tour of Iraq. He has served his country selflessly like thousands of other men and women around this great country and this is the thanks he and his fellow soldiers get from the Obama Administration? To say I'm absolutely disgusted by this, is an understatement. I'm beginning to wonder just how deep Obama's contempt for this country really goes.

Read the rest here!

God bless!

Brutally Honest -- two to read

Brutally Honest has two very good posts to read. The first is on Obama's decision regarding embryonic stem cell research. The second is on the way our Vets are going to be treated.... Good reading, and the links supplied give other's opinions, as well.

God bless!

Walk Tall -- Fr Joseph Martin: Values

Fr Joe Martin.

"Walk Tall.
You don't have to BE tall, to WALK TALL!"

May he rest in peace.

God bless...and Keep Comin Back! One Day at a Time......

The Deacon's Bench: On Fr Joseph Martin

The Deacon's Bench: Homily for March 15, 2009: 3rd Sunday of Lent

Many have been helped by this man's 'Chalk Talks' over the years, as well as other talks that he gave during his lifetime. Fr Joe Martin has gone on ahead of us to his Eternal reward.

May he rest in peace.

God bless!

A Short Course in Brain Surgery

Monday, March 16, 2009

Cardinal George - Keep Conscience Protections for Health Care Workers

YOU GO, Cardinal!

THIS is what our Catholic leaders are SUPPOSED to do!

From Wisconsin Right to Life -- FOCA to be introduced

Rep. Nadler (D-NY) Will Introduce Monstrous FOCA, the Freedom of Choice Act, Soon.

Hello, Wi Catholic,

Well, it's official. The most notorious anti-life bill ever — the Freedom of Choice Act
(FOCA) — will be introduced in the new Congress. A spokesperson for the expected House
author, Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY), says it will be "sooner rather than later…It is among the congressman's priorities." Even more onerous, Rep. Nadler is Chair of the House Judiciary subcommittee that could hear the bill! Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) is expected to introduce
the companion bill in the U.S. Senate. We must stop the passage of this bill and would greatly appreciate a gift from you so we can ramp-up our Stop FOCA postcard campaign.

FOCA would make unlimited abortions a national law and overturn all of the right-to-life laws and court decisions from the past 36 years. The number of abortions will skyrocket! Of particular concern to Catholic hospitals would be FOCA's removal of conscience rights. Some of the nation's bishops have threatened to close the 624 Catholic hospitals in the US rather than comply with a law forcing them to perform abortions. Other bishops are saying that a good strategy would be to just ignore the law and non-comply. Wisconsin Reps. Gwen Moore and Tammy Baldwin were co-sponsors of FOCA in the last Congress.

Wisconsin Right to Life is conducting a major postcard campaign and other activities to defeat this monstrous legislation. Please help stop FOCA with your generous gift today.

Barbara L. Lyons,
Executive Director

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Article Published by Jane Brennan, MS, Author of Motherhood Interrupted

Excellent article by Jane, my friend.

God bless!

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From: <>
Date: Sun, Mar 15, 2009 at 9:01 PM