Saturday, March 21, 2009

A One-Way Trip....

The Blog of the Courtier has written:

Necro-tourism: A One-Way Trip

"Now before my American readers think, "That won't happen here," yesterday
the State of Washington became the second in the United States,
after Oregon did so over a decade ago, to legalize physician-assisted suicide.
The Washington State law itself apparently does allow for some type
of conscience-clause for Catholic hospitals and other morally opposed to suicide.
However, recent moves by the Obama Administration
with respect to removing protections for doctors and nurses refusing
to perform abortions may ultimately lead to Catholic hospitals
being required to perform assisted suicide as well, or face closure."

To which I responded:

"Long ago, I told my mother that her generation would die natural deaths (most of them, anyway), but that mine would not. Just as there are abortion clinics, there would be euthanasia clinics. When my oldest was 15-16 yrs old, another young lady her age (pro-life) was prophetically speaking, saying that my generation had killed hers, and hers would kill mine. I told my children, she is right.

As we watch the conscience clause removed, as we watch a State's judicial system change our laws (ie Massachutsetts, Wyoming, etc), as we watch more and more T4 type thinking spread across the US (remember all the comments about Terri Schindler Schiavo) with the long ago terminology changes made regarding 'death with dignity' and 'quality of life', it won't be long after the start of nationalized health care when the realization that they CANNOT pay for everyone will become evident. Those deemed to need 'futile care' (TX) will also be immediate candidates for ... assistance to die.

Her generation... my generation... She could see it happening back then, just as I could."

Not only can it happen here, it isn't far from it, if we don't wake up, and may already be too late without a LOT of prayer and fasting and repentance...

From Conception to Natural Death!
Cherish it~
Respect it~
Protect it!

God bless!

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