Friday, March 20, 2009

Hello Mom, It's Me Comes After Can I Live?

On July 1, 2005, I introduced Nick Cannon and others to my blog readers. Over the years, I have at times been reminded of his song, both personally and through emails.

I know of NO adoptee who has ever regretted having been born. Some may regret having been adopted, as some birth mothers regret having placed their child for adoption. But the difference here is KEY to understanding the evil of abortion over the good of Adoption or raising a child out of wedlock:

Those allowed to live can someday turn to their mother and say...
"Thank you for choosing LIFE!"

There was a time when abortion was almost unheard of, and only then spoken of in whispered tones, for people knew of its evil.

There was a time when almost every child conceived was born. Some were forced into adoption, just as today, many are forced into abortions (boyfriend, parent). Nearly 1/3 of the children who would have been my children's ages are no longer with us today, having never been born.

BOTH of my daughters have been able to return to their birth mothers and tell them THANK YOU for life, in their own words, either personally, or by letter. They could not have done so, had their mothers not chosen LIFE. Both were born after the Jan 1975 Roe v Wade decision became the law of the land. I, too, have been able to tell three of the four birth parents... thank you.

Today, I am again reminded of Nick Cannon's "Can I Live" video and song by another email, this time pointing to a different singer, and a different song...

New ProLife Song
Hello Mom, It's Me

by Lloyd Marcus

After you've listened to that one, take a few minutes to once again hear Nick Cannon's.

God Bless!!!


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