Time passes by so swiftly!
While we lived in another part of the State, we attended a speaking engagement of a young girl who was right inbetween the ages of my daughters, who had guts enough to speak and to sing in front of crowds. I was impressed by HER, not just her message.
This young girl has grown up, and though I knew she was my girls' age, it just did not enter my mind that she was no longer just a 'girl', but a grown woman. Oh, I knew it, it just did not register until I saw a website that is still not functioning with her picture!
This young lady, if it had been up to some, would not be here today to sing, to speak, or to testify before Congress!
She was never supposed to have lived.
Never supposed to have been born.
Never supposed to have survived the saline abortion that was chosen for her when she was seven months gestational age.
She was also never supposed to survive even after she survived.
And then, she was never supposed to sit up, roll over, stand, walk.... and definitely NOT speak to crowds of people over her 28 year life -- that is, speak the Truth about what abortion has done to her generation!
Gianna Jensen is the same age as my daughters. Gianna was also adopted by those loving caregivers who helped her to prove the MDs wrong. Gianna walks, runs, talks, and sings very well, thank you, even with Cerebral Palsy. She has overcome everything, including forgiving her birthmother.
But she won't be silenced.
UNLESS there is not enough 'insurance' for an Irish University's demands, I guess!
In Ireland, no less. At University College Dublin, whose site includes this statement:
The origins of University College Dublin date back to the Catholic University of Ireland which was founded in the mid-nineteenth century by Paul Cullen and John Henry Newman. In 1881, under the Royal Universities Act, the university was renamed University College Dublin. Among the professors during this phase of UCD’s history was the poet Gerard Manley Hopkins and amongst its most famous pupils was the writer James Joyce.
I introduced her to the readers of this blog on
July 1, 2005, along with a few other survivors of abortion, and Nick Cannon's video. Among other things this
young woman has said in the past, you can read her testimony to Congress, and find more about her online. She also sings, and I am sure that talent has also matured over the years.
Gianna, you continue to inspire me!
Never stop speaking, even when they refuse to let you!
God bless you!
"When the freedoms of one group of helpless citizens are infringed upon, such as the unborn, the newborn, the disabled and so called "imperfect," what we do not realize is that our freedoms as a NATION and Individuals are in great peril." ~~Gianna Jessen
Testimony of Abortion Survivor Gianna Jessen on HR 4292~~July 20, 2000
And, in 1991, this was in the records:
GIANNA JENSEN, A SURVIVOR OF ABORTION (House of Representatives - October 08, 1991)[Page: H7561]
(Mr. SMITH of New Jersey asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his remarks.)
Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. Speaker, on Friday I hosted a Capitol Hill press conference, and our special guest, Gianna Jensen, a spunky 14-year-old girl who survived a salt-poisoning abortion, is now going public with her story.
The medical records which I have seen show that as an unborn baby of about 24 weeks' gestation, Gianna was injected with high-concentrated saline solution with the intent to kill her. Of course, under Roe versus Wade, such violence against children is perfectly legal. Unborn children have no rights. Although the poisonous salt solution worked on Gianna's fragile body for 5 hours, she nevertheless survived. She was injured and today bears some of the scars and a mild case of cerebral palsy. But she is alive, she is well and full of life.
Mr. Speaker, how do the proabortionists react to a survivor like Gianna?
Mr. Speaker, they respond by devising more efficient means of killing.
In the Washington Times, on Saturday, their story about Gianna, Susan Shermer of the National Abortion Federation, said, `The way most abortions are performed today, most physicians make sure there is fetal demise.'
`Ensuring fetal demise,' what an antiseptic, euphemistic way of saying, `Make sure that the baby is dead.'
Mr. Speaker, it is a national scandal that each day over 4,000 babies are killed by chemical abortion or by dismemberment. Every child killed, every child killed by abortion and those who will die today are exactly like Gianna Jensen. This Congress should rise to their defense.