Friday, December 02, 2005

House in Ohio puts on a real, Christmas light, music display

Oh, wow! I just opened an email with this link in it, and had to pass it on.

It is fascinating, to say the least, and I cannot imagine the amount of work that went into this display. Perhaps, if I lived across the street, the flashing lights would begin to irritate after awhile, but it is still really worth watching! I loved it!

I also wonder if he has more songs built into his system so that it changes... I bet he does!

And it would be neat if someone FROM there who has seen it would read this and tell us more about it!


This is the message that came with the link:

House in Ohio puts on a real, Christmas light, music display (video link)

Hi Everyone...

I hope I can send this, it's not adoption related....but I thought this might bring a smile to everyone's faces....I was sent this link from a weekly email group I belong to, and thought I would share. This is an actual house in Mason, Ohio. The owner wires up the outside of the house with 16,000 lights, and has it hooked up to a computer program that displays a Christmas light show, along with music. The music is set up so that visitors in their cars can listen to it through their car radios.

I ran this link through my virus scan and it came out fine. :-)

The music is by "Trans Siberian Orchestra" and the song is "Wizards of Winter."

Happy Holidays !


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