WISCONSIN voters: Important That You Vote May 8 for Gov. Walker
From: Wisconsin Right To Life
Date: Thu, Apr 26, 2012 at 10:15 AM

Mom had EWTN on as usual last night, and the Best of Mother Angelic Live was on. I was able to hear a lot of it, and will be listening to it again. NOT because I was so 'blessed' by it, but because I really want to hear what Msgr Leonard Pivonka, JCD said about Marriage (which was about Tribunals, also, and Nullity).
It is this program -- if the link works. It did when I tested it.
Otherwise, it is for sale in the catalog, and originally aired on
Air Date | Guest | Theme | |
04/24/12 | Msgr. Leonard Pivonka, JCD | Marriage Original Air Date: 05/20/98