Allen West, Buddy Harris, Wreaths Across America, FF833
I really do like this man. God bless!
Draft Allen West for President 2012
Draft Allen West for President 2012 is a section 527 political organization duly organized April 4, 2011 under applicable IRS laws. A copy of the required initial section 527 disclosure (IRS form 8871) is available on request at or the IRS website at
Draft Allen West for President 2012 is a grassroots, American led effort calling for the nomination of Congressman Allen West for President in the 2012 election. It is the belief of Draft Allen West for President 2012 that the United States is running out of time and the American people, out of hope. The direction this country is being pushed towards will lead to the untimely demise of our Republic and our way of life. Congressman West has a proven record of leadership, integrity and love of his Country which America and Americans desperately need.