Mother chooses life of child over cancer treatment
This is total trust in God and His Wisdom, and His love for every single individual human being. Sadly, the ONE comment there (at the time I read this) is one that indicates total ignorance of the beauty of this family's choice, for that is what this was... Ricardo, Mayra, and their infant son.
Had this woman chosen abortion, she may not have survived the cancer either. They would not have grown in Faith, perhaps not married, and both would have lived with guilt at the death of their child. Now, she is with the Lord, and can intercede for both her husband and her son. St Gianna Molla Beretta may have even met her as she entered the Kingdom, echoing the Lord's words.... "Well done, good and faithful servant!"
Pray that "Dano" can finally see this Truth! May God have Mercy on Dano and on this family. Numbers 6:24-26 is my prayer for them all.
God bless!
Mother chooses life of child over cancer treatment
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