CNS STORY: Church announces dates for 2010 exposition of Shroud of Turin
CNS STORY: Church announces dates for 2010 exposition of Shroud of Turin
God bless!
CNS STORY: Church announces dates for 2010 exposition of Shroud of Turin
God bless!
I had no recollection of having heard of this man before, but I have now seen him on TV again, since viewing this video.
I have watched it several times, and each time, it gets better.
God bless!
OH, Andrew Klavan has a website and a blog to check out, as well. He is an author (for those of us who like to read... I am checking his site out now.
God bless!
This is why I still like Governor Sarah Palin. She has class. This article goes with the video. The video seems to cut off in a poor spot (IMHO). However, her entire speech can be found here (at least at this writing!).
Ok, I can understand the rest of the article, but I think this part is going just a little too far.
Why is the Church Abandoning Marriage?
This year marks the thirtieth anniversary of two legal tragedies for families.
While the Church loudly protests one of them — Roe v Wade — the other — the Uniform Marriage and Divorce Act — is completely ignored.
Marriage is cutting a wider swath in the news these days, now that the possibility of same-sex marriage is on the horizon.
Until recently, "marriage" news came mostly by way of its dark counterpart — divorce — when word leaked out about a high-profile breakup. But that has changed. Several recent High Court rulings have put "marriage" on the front page.
Recently, the Catholic Church in this country weighed in on this issue. U.S. Bishops made their position unequivocally clear — that the sacrament of marriage would not be opened to same-sex partners.
But, this country's secular leaders will continue to grapple with this contentious issue, and as a result, they may let another cat out of the bag.
The current rhetoric surrounding the threat to marriage posed by same-sex partners neglects a far more serious threat unleashed thirty years ago — the same year that Roe v Wade sent shock waves through the Church. While most people know the date of the historic legal opinion giving women the right to abortion — January 22, 1973 — the other legal milestone is hidden in obscurity.
But, on August 2nd that same year, a select group of lawyers meeting in Hyannis, Massachusetts, approved the final version of their five-year project — the Uniform Marriage and Divorce Act.
There is much more to that article at the website, and it is an important read.
snip SO DID NO FAULT DIVORCE! We cannot object, cannot defend our marriages, cannot bring up indissolubility in the courts, and get LITTLE help from our pastors/Bishops -- and this INCLUDES non-Catholic pastors -- to reconcile, save marriages. In fact, MANY times, it is those very people who ENCOURAGE spouses to divorce and hint that Nullity is not only possible, but PROBABLE! That, without ever having spoken to the unsuspecting Mate who will be served first, the divorce papers, and then, the petition of Nullity later.
However, he said the typical Rhode Island Catholic's response was indifferent and cited not wanting to judge people. Tobin also said that Catholics give rationalizations about the decline of Catholic influence.
snip This is also true for no fault, forced, unilateral divorce, OFTEN brought about by the PETITIONERS's INFIDELITY! A further insult is when the same Church who now bemoans the destruction of marriage by same sex unions often grants NULL verdicts to those very UNFAITHFUL spouses who skirted around Church Law by marrying outside the Church, then want to return, and are told to live as brother and sister for the sake of THEIR children while the process of 'investigation' into Nullity is underway, instead of being told to separate for the sake of THE FIRST set of Children, and to follow the Lord's command of 1 Cor 7:10-11, which is to live singly or RECONCILE to that first spouse. Further, though it is clearly in Canon Law (and in many Papal teachings, writings, etc) that the FIRST MARRIAGE is to be presumed to be VALID until proven to be Null... yet in all cases, the first spouse is continually referred to as 'former', or worse, the depersonalizing 'EX'.
Further, there is NEVER any homilies on the evil of divorce or the permanency of marriage, INCLUDING the one time in three years that Mark 10 is read in the Sunday Mass (Cycle B). Why? It may offend some people in the pews?
Yes, it MAY, but it may also save some souls who may lose salvation if they continue to live in Sin! OOPS..that is another topic we hear little about today! We hear all about the Love and MERCY of God, but very little about His Justice. Does no one understand His words in Malachi? He hates divorce. He hates what it does to His children.
Bishop Tobin explained that "homosexual activity is unnatural and gravely immoral. It's offensive to Almighty God. It can never be condoned, under any circumstances. Gay marriage, or civil unions, would mean that our state is in the business of ratifying, approving such immoral activity."
snip Yes, just as it is today in its divorce law. Divorce is equally as offensive to Almighty God. Our own Catechism calls it a GRAVE MATTER, and an offense against Natural Law. Yet it is defended, and often encouraged by our own Church in many ways, and those who attempt to defend their marriage are often slammed in very Catholic forums by not only the Lay people, but also by others. Our children are leaving the Church, cohabiting, etc, and the 'solution' offered is BETTER MARRIAGE PREP. That will not do a single thing until the evil of today's divorce is recognized. Why? Because those same people offering the Marriage Prep also condone (and frequently encourage) no fault divorce, and 'throw their hands up', saying nothing can be done.Bishop Tobin introduced what he called the "champagne principle." Saying that not every wine has the unique characteristics of champagne, the bishop argued that someone who relabeled a bottle of Chianti and tried to sell it as champagne would be arrested for fraud.
Similarly, those who seek to redefine marriage and "to usurp the title 'marriage' for their morally bankrupt relationships," are "committing an act of fraud,"he charged. "It's insulting to those who have entered the authentic, sacred and time-honored institution of marriage over the years."
snip So is the treatment of those who are victims of UNILATERAL divorce!! So is the frequency of Null verdicts given under increasingly poor 1095-2 'grounds' . So has the high numbers of Null verdicts, which JPII and BXVI have both spoken against.
He closed with a warning about the implications the recognition of same-sex "marriage" would have for religious liberty.
"We're familiar with other examples of the gay agenda infringing on religious freedom," he said, noting how Massachusetts required the Catholic Church to place children for adoption with homosexual couples and how some countries have charged Christian preachers of hate crimes for voicing Christian doctrine about homosexual practices.
snip So where was the awareness in 1969, or August, 1973???Bishop Tobin said that if only five or ten percent of Rhode Island's Catholic population became involved on this issue "we could have an enormous impact and help Rhode Island maintain its moral sanity."
He encouraged Catholics to become aware of political action on the issue, to write letters to the editor, and to encourage their representatives to "defend marriage and family values.
"And you can pray fervently that God will help us in this critical struggle on behalf of morality and common sense," he added.
If the imposition of homosexual marriage happens in Rhode Island, the bishop concluded, "It'll be our fault… simply because our abysmal apathy allowed it to happen."
Jill's latest column lists the anti-life moves of the present administration.
On Jan. 20, 2009, Barack Obama began his death march as the most anti-life president in U.S. history.
Today marks Obama's 100th day in office. This list substantiates Obama's personnel and policies to that end. He actually started way before Day 1:
It took me a little to realize that she begins with a Negative number--
Day -75: Names pro-abortion Rahm Emmanuel as chief of staff, who earned a 100 percent approval rating from NARAL while congressman
-- and builds to the latest.
God bless!
Na Zdrowie! The Kloska Family Blog: Hope Reigns on the Quad at Notre Dame!
Many good photos and good narration of the Eucharistic Procession at Notre Dame.
More here, at another site.
Got there from americanpapist amazing fotos of ND Eucharistic procession:
This is absolutely appalling! I tend to totally agree with Edward Peters on this one!
I have been in yahoo groups with some who have anti-semitic beliefs, yet call themselves 'good' and 'devout' Catholics, including one who prays continually for wisdom and discernment. With that type of discernment, I have to wonder whose voice she (and others of the same persuasion) has been listening to.
One cannot--CAN NOT-- be a good Catholic and despise the very people that our Lord, Jesus Christ, His Mother, and His Foster Father, St Joseph came from! NOT ALL rejected Him. All of the first Apostles and followers were Jewish.
That picture is disgusting, and his facial expression is smugness, not holiness.
Forgive him, Lord. Bring him to the full realization of who You are, and why it is important to reject not only anti-semitism, but also any false teachings of socialism, fascism, communism.
Lord, have Mercy!
National Catholic Register coverage of Notre Dame Scandal. If you want to read in chronological order, read bottom up. If you prefer to start with the latest (as of today), then start at the top.
Angry. Downright ticked.
That is what I felt as I watched this video, and then the one to the RIGHT of it on this website, done by people who lived very near the WTC and videotaped it as it was happening. The entire time I watched their video, I remembered what I felt, safely in Wisconsin, far away from Manhattan, Pennsylvania, and the Pentagon.
Fear, shock, horror, numbness....
And then some IDIOTS plan a photo op with a HUGE PLANE being followed by a FIGHTER JET? And they don't make it PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE ahead of time that they are going to DO this??
Angry. Downright ticked. Disgusted. How stupid can anyone be?
For a photo op....
While the people of Manhattan and surrounding areas remembered this:
The one I watched is at the website, on the right, and is taken from a home near the WTC, as it was happening. It apparently does not imbed, even though it was the one running when I got the code. If you are interested, go here. Otherwise, you get my point, I am sure.
God bless!
The other day, I read a story online dated April 9th about a young woman who has lovingly chosen to have her baby and is doing an excellent job of caring for her, and the final paragraph of that story really bothered me.
I went back to it several times, wanting to email the author, but unable to immediately find a way to do so. Then, I went to the link of Life Site News, and had to do a search for Hillary White and the story. I finally found it, and realized that nearly the first site was nearly word for word, with the exception of a very small part of the first paragraph.
What bothered me about that article?
Mostly the last paragraph!
By John-Henry Westen
TORONTO, April 3, 2009 ( - The scandal of Catholic priests advising expectant mothers, whose babies are diagnosed with lethal fetal anomalies, that having an early induction in such cases is not opposed to Catholic teaching, is not new. The problem was already apparent in 2002, and denounced then by Archbishop Terrence Prendergast in a column in The Catholic Register.
@americanpapist all of today's notre dame craziness compiled here:
Tom has all of his posts about N D marked so you can scroll to the bottom and go up, reading in order, or just start at the top with the most recent and go back as far as you would like.
OH, and I forgot!! Do you facebook?
americanpapistis thrilled the "I Support Mary Ann Glendon and her Noble Refusal!" Facebook group has almost 500 members!
The stupidity of this really irks me! Can they NOT THINK about how the people LIVING NEAR GROUND ZERO would react??
"This mission, involving the VC-25 and an F-16, was conducted in conjunction with normally scheduled continuation training for assigned aircrew members," officials said.
OHH?? Over Manhattan?? STUPID!
One comment by Bloomberg, especially, really hits the nail on the head:
"Had I known about it I would have called them right away and asked them not to," he said. "The good news is it was nothing more than an ill considered, badly conceived, insensitive photo op - with the taxpayers' money."
Trying to clear up my many 'to be blogged on' things, as if you could not tell...
Archbishop Dolan speaks to tough issues in an interview with DAN MANGAN
And another:
I do have some comments. I do like this man, and I do admire him. It is therefore not just to him, personally, that I want to make my comment, but to the Catholic Church in the US period, and I will do that either here, later, or in a separate post. I have not yet decided.
Til then, God bless!
The image of Pacelli as "Hitler's pope" is contested by a growing number of scholars. There were many responsible for creating this image, including Catholics. But Soviet propaganda was decisive. A Jesuit historian reveals the strategy
by Sandro Magister
How did I miss this?? I follow both, and had not seen it yesterday when haaretzonline tweeted. I guess I had not checked in on Twitter until now, after seeing Patrick Madrid's alert!
@patrickmadrid Israeli Security Agency Worried About Assasination Plot Against Pope Benedict — #Catholic
@haaretzonline Shin Bet: 'Pope mobile' not good enough to protect pontiff
Given the propensity for suicide bombers, and the May 14th anniversary pointed out in the haaretz article, we need to pray for protection of all concerned. Remember, as well, the anniversary dates (2) of May 13th! See Patrick Madrid's blog for clues.
God bless!
Interesting article, but why the disparaging 'it was claimed' in the second headline?? Ah, well.... God bless!
Shared by @thecompassnews
Pope Pius XII told senior bishops that should he be arrested by the Nazis, his resignation would become effective immediately, paving the way for a successor, according to documents in the Vatican's Secret Archives.
The bishops would then be expected to flee to a safe country – probably neutral Portugal – where they would re-establish the leadership of the Roman Catholic Church and appoint a new Pontiff.
That Hitler considered kidnapping the Pope has been documented before, but this is the first time that details have emerged of the Vatican's strategy should the Nazis carry out the plan.
"Pius said 'if they want to arrest me they will have to drag me from the Vatican'," said Peter Gumpel, the German Jesuit priest who is in charge of researching whether Pius should be made a saint, and therefore has access to secret Vatican archives.
Pius, who was Pope throughout the war, told his advisers "the person who would leave the under these conditions would not be Pius XII but Eugenio Pacelli" – his name before he was elected Pontiff – thus giving permission for a new Pope to be elected.
"It would have been disastrous if the Church had been left without an authoritative leader," said Father Gumpel.
"Pius wouldn't leave voluntarily. He had been invited repeatedly to go to Portugal or Spain or the United States but he felt he could not leave his diocese under these severe and tragic circumstances." Vatican documents, which still remain secret, are believed to show that Pius was aware of a plan formulated by Hitler in July 1943 to occupy the Vatican and arrest him and his senior cardinals.
Read the rest of this article here
Michael Coren of The National Post has written a very good column entitled "Open season on Benedict".
He makes five points:
None of this is mentioned when Pope Benedict is attacked for his condemnation of the condom fetish. If we read the man's statements, however, what we see is a sophisticated deconstruction of Western double-standards and a thoughtful critique of the failed attempt to control AIDS.
First, it's not working. In countries where condoms are state-distributed, free and ubiquitous AIDS has not been controlled and is often spreading.
Second, even where AIDS is less of an issue, such as in North America, the increased availability and use of condoms has coincided with an annual increase in STDs and so-called unwanted pregnancies.
Third, one failure of a condom to work -- and the failure rate is significant if not overwhelming --is not a mere mistake but a death sentence.
Fourth, condoms enable promiscuity rather than encourage abstinence. And sexual activity is about more than mere intercourse; a cut finger or a small body wound can allow infection to occur.
Fifth, how dare we treat black people as if they were children. They are capable of self-control and all over Africa, most successfully but not exclusively in Uganda, there are elaborate, empathetic and extraordinarily successful abstinence programs that emphasize humanity rather than lust -- a philosophy that runs directly contrary to the sexual gratification cult so favoured by some of the people in the West now so apoplectic at Pope Benedict's comments.
Obama's Image
-Dry Bones- Israel's Political Comic Strip Since 1973 NEW TALK BACK FEATURE !!! Now you can see what others had to say about today's cartoon ...and you can add YOUR opinion to the discussion . To post YOUR opinions and comments to the "Obama's Image " debate just Click Here To Talk Back. When the new window opens up just scroll down to the link called Post a Comment . More Recent Articles |
Excellent roundup and summary of others' view of Ambassador Mary Ann Glendon's action of turning down Notre Dame's award!
There is also a followup regarding Miss California that is another example.
God bless!
I agree with this wholeheartedly (except am not a Canon Lawyer, so on that part I take his word).
God Bless!
Just checking my email, found this one.
Ambassador Mary Ann Glendon's letter refusing the Laetare Medal is very clear, and shows that she refuses to be used, as Fr Jenkins had intended to do. Again, Integrity.
She could have simply accepted. She deserves this Award. She could have simply acquiesced, accepted it, and spoke her beliefs to the Graduates and to everyone else that attends the event. Bishop D'Arcy had apparently left the door open for her to do so.
But principle has won out over prestige. In doing so, IMHO, she has increased her already very high level of prestige.
Her letter, in part, explains her decision:
Then I learned that "talking points" issued by Notre Dame in response to widespread criticism of its decision included two statements implying that my acceptance speech would somehow balance the event:
• "President Obama won't be doing all the talking. Mary Ann Glendon, the former U.S. ambassador to the Vatican, will be speaking as the recipient of the Laetare Medal."
• "We think having the president come to Notre Dame, see our graduates, meet our leaders, and hear a talk from Mary Ann Glendon is a good thing for the president and for the causes we care about."
A commencement, however, is supposed to be a joyous day for the graduates and their families. It is not the right place, nor is a brief acceptance speech the right vehicle, for engagement with the very serious problems raised by Notre Dame's decision—in disregard of the settled position of the U.S. bishops—to honor a prominent and uncompromising opponent of the Church's position on issues involving fundamental principles of justice.
Finally, with recent news reports that other Catholic schools are similarly choosing to disregard the bishops' guidelines, I am concerned that Notre Dame's example could have an unfortunate ripple effect.
It is with great sadness, therefore, that I have concluded that I cannot accept the Laetare Medal or participate in the May 17 graduation ceremony.
Integrity is something that does not often rear its head in today's world of 'tolerance'. Courage is something that it takes to stand up for one's beliefs in a day when 'tolerance' is preached and cheered. 'Tolerance' with a small 't', means that anything and everything must be accepted, regardless of the inherent rightness or wrongness, for today, there 'is no right or wrong'. Today, what one wishes to do or believe is ok, for that person, and should never be pressed upon another, UNLESS it involves the "PC" viewpoints of the day.
Relativism--what is right for you may not be right for another..
Ambassador Mary Ann Glendon has integrity and courage. CONGRATULATIONS!
An EXCELLENT article, here, in National Catholic Register needs to be read in full, as it gives the history of Notre Dame's activities over the past several decades in flaunting Catholic teaching.
The article ends:
Mary Ann Glendon Bears Witness
It could not have been easy for Glendon to decline the Laetare Medal — after all, she is deserving of it, and the people who nominated her for it are now put in an awkward position. Glendon is proud of her Notre Dame connections, including the 1996 honorary degree that she was awarded. No doubt she is proud of her former student Barack Obama for his laudable achievements. No doubt she would have preferred a quieter honor, one which would not have forced her to choose sides. It is to Father Jenkins’s shame that he tried to use Glendon. It is to her great credit that she refused to be used.
In her life of extraordinary accomplishments, the witness given by Glendon by not going to Notre Dame next month is something of a crowning achievement. It matters a great deal that a celebrated laywoman is rejecting this honor. Notre Dame long ago learned how to disregard the advice, admonishment and even the explicit will of the American bishops. For this they paid no apparent price, as there were always those who were willing to take what Notre Dame was offering, including successive presidents of the United States.
Now someone has finally said No. And not just someone, but a woman who has ennobled everything she has lent her name to. It will be noticed on May 17 that someone thought some things more important than Notre Dame’s honors; that someone thought some things more important than basking in the glow of a popular president; that someone thought 25 years of deliberate confusion, evasion, equivocation and deception from Notre Dame on abortion politics was enough.
Glendon will not collect her Laetare Medal. In not doing so, she has proved worthy of the honor; please God, her courageous decision will make Notre Dame more worthy of the honors it seeks to give.
And some people try to say that We the People are too stupid to know what the Tea Parties have been all about...
This song is ONE reason.
After watching this, I think I SAW it as a child on TV!
"Weekly on television and non-profit??"
"Boy, have YOU got a crazy sponsor!"
God bless!
The Dominican Republic is a very Catholic nation. This newsletter had two articles in it.