Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Canon Law Blog Update: Beyond parody: a priest wearing a Nazi arm-band

This is absolutely appalling! I tend to totally agree with Edward Peters on this one!

I have been in yahoo groups with some who have anti-semitic beliefs, yet call themselves 'good' and 'devout' Catholics, including one who prays continually for wisdom and discernment. With that type of discernment, I have to wonder whose voice she (and others of the same persuasion) has been listening to.

One cannot--CAN NOT-- be a good Catholic and despise the very people that our Lord, Jesus Christ, His Mother, and His Foster Father, St Joseph came from! NOT ALL rejected Him. All of the first Apostles and followers were Jewish.

That picture is disgusting, and his facial expression is smugness, not holiness.

Forgive him, Lord. Bring him to the full realization of who You are, and why it is important to reject not only anti-semitism, but also any false teachings of socialism, fascism, communism.

Lord, have Mercy!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Edward Peters
Date: Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 8:33 AM

Beyond parody: a priest wearing a Nazi arm-band
The stunt pulled by a priest who was recently pictured outside a Catholic Church sporting a Nazi swastika armband is beneath contempt. But is the only response available to us expression of derision for his behavior? Maybe not.
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