Abortion Industry Seeks to Discredit Adoption
Abortion Industry Seeks to Discredit Adoption
by LifeForAll on Tue 21 Apr 2009 12:05 PM EDT | Permanent Link
One reason is abortion. Since 1973, the percentage of unwed pregnant women who seek abortion has skyrocketed to 35 percent. We live in a culture now that encourages women to "get rid" of their problems and seek "quick" solutions. For the millions of post-abortive women, however, these lies have painful, unforeseen consequences. Instead of feeling "relief" like the abortion industry would have them think, many women are still suffering from guilt, depression and trauma decades after an abortion.
But the abortion industry continues to lie, not only about the traumatic experience of abortion, but about adoption as well. The WT spoke with several anti-adoption activists who had this to say:
"No one wants to be an adoptee. No mother who has lost a child [to adoption] fully recovers."
"The adoption system is now virtually a North American phenomena - most other countries realize how barbaric it is toward mothers and children."
"[Adoption] is an industry [in which] young, unwed (and thus powerless) parents are persuaded, through force, coercion or outright lies, to transfer parental rights of their children to older, more affluent couples."
"The adoption system is now virtually a North American phenomena - most other countries realize how barbaric it is toward mothers and children."
"[Adoption] is an industry [in which] young, unwed (and thus powerless) parents are persuaded, through force, coercion or outright lies, to transfer parental rights of their children to older, more affluent couples."
My comments:
The abortion industry discourages adoption, but also does not ENCOURAGE mothers choosing Life, and keeping their children.
No one wants to be an adoptee? My daughters would VEHEMENTLY tell you that they GREATLY prefer that over the alternative of losing their life by abortion while in their birth mothers' wombs!!!
Barbaric?? And ABORTION isn't?? Cutting and ripping apart a living human being without anesthesia ISN'T??? For MONEY?
Force, Coercion, LIES??? I am SIX years older than my oldest daughter's birthmother, Karen. She did NOT need coercion, persuasion or lies to choose to place her daughter, NOR DID MY SECOND DAUGHTER's birth mother who chose that option TWICE for her two daughters!!
As for LIES... the abortion industry does NOT protect children from abusers in cases of INCEST or Pedophiles impregnating a minor! Not only does the Abortion industry protect the violators, they aid and abet them by covering and lying, even to the point of teaching a minor HOW to get around the parental consent laws!
MY DAUGHTERS have BOTH been able to tell their birthmothers THANK YOU FOR GIVIING ME LIFE. No aborted child can ever do this. MY OLDEST DAUGHTER has hugged both of her birthparents! NO aborted child can do this -- in THIS life!
God bless!
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