Saturday, October 03, 2009

Abandoning the Vulnerable in the UK to Assisted Suicide Abuse » Secondhand Smoke | A First Things Blog

Abandoning the Vulnerable in the UK to Assisted Suicide Abuse » Secondhand Smoke | A First Things Blog

Wesley Smith article on First Things.

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Friday, October 02, 2009

Michael B. Mukasey: Do Not Weaken Our Terrorist Intelligence-Gathering Capabilities

Michael B. Mukasey: Do Not Weaken Our Terrorist Intelligence-Gathering Capabilities -

Intelligence Averts Another Attack

Why do Democrats in Congress want to change key laws that have helped to discover terrorist plots?

By Michael B Mukasey

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Sole Video Footage of Anne Frank

Sole Video Footage of Anne Frank Posted Online

I read her diary as a young girl, and I read it again years later. This is a surprise...

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Baptist, Brethren, Lutheran, Methodist Churches Ask Senate for Abortion Funds

What can I say? It speaks for itself...
Washington, DC ( -- A coalition of mainline Protestant churches have authored a letter to members of Congress asking them to make certain the health care bills they are considering contain taxpayer funding for abortions. The letter comes from a group of churches that have long advocated the pro-abortion position.

Under the umbrella of the Religious Institute, the church denominations and more than 1,100 pastors and church staff from the denominations endorsed the letter.

The letter calls abortion a “morally justifiable decision” and opposed any amendments to the House and Senate bills, which current contain massive abortion funding, to strike that taxpayer-financing.

“Already, federal policy unfairly prevents low-income women and federal employees from receiving subsidized [abortions]," Rev. Debra W. Haffner, executive director of the Religious Institute complained.

The letter added that she doesn't want more abortion funding bans in place and complained that additional "restrictions" on abortion funding constitute a "serious moral injustice.”
End quote.

The article goes on, and at the end, names signers. Read the rest here:

Baptist, Brethren, Lutheran, Methodist Churches Ask Senate for Abortion Funds

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Britain Already Has Government Policy of Silent Euthanasia

While many are trying to reassure us taht there is no danger to the elderly, disabled, and chronically ill, the wording in areas of the health care bills presented, as well as the blatant rejection of specific wording that totally rules out funding abortion, etc in the recent past has many convinced that tax payer money will be used.

The same applies to those concerned about the conscience protection that is either missing or very ambiguous, for those of us who cannot participate in abortion, euthanasia, cloning, embryonic stem cell research, 'terminal sedation' or starving/dehydrating a person to death. The public option, putting our health care in the hands of the government, is also worrisome for many reasons, including what is happening in other nations:

Britain Already Has a "Government Policy of Silent Euthanasia": Anti-Euthanasia Activists

Read related coverage:

Britain Won't Prosecute Assisted Suicide: Chief Prosecutor

Britain's Pathway to Euthanasia - NHS Protocols for Dehydrating Disabled Patients to Death

British Doctors Practising "Slow" Euthanasia through Deep Sedation: BBC Report.

Thursday, October 01, 2009

Pew Poll Finds 42 Percent of Americans Do Not Know Barack Obama Pro-Abortion

Pew Poll Finds 42 Percent of Americans Do not Know Barack Obama Pro-Abortion

On the one hand, this is hard to believe, yet on the other, with MSM not covering this aspect, it is not quite as surprising. Sad that so many have NO idea what this man thinks.

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In honor of my father who served in the Third Army during WWII under Patton, in the European theatre.

Thanking my Grandfather, Dad, uncles, two brothers and a sister who have served.

God bless!

Patrick Madrid: Video of first Tsunami Waves Hitting Samoa

Patrick Madrid: Video of first Tsunami Waves Hitting Samoa

Three videos that Patrick has on his blog, one an interview with a witness.

Prayers for the area and all of the people are needed.

God bless!

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US Homeschooling Hero Close to Death

US Homeschooling Hero Close to Death

Years ago, we prayed for a Doctor in VA to recover from what seemed to be nearly certainly an illness that would lead to death. He is back at his practice, a pro-life, Catholic practice in VA.

Please pray for this man as though his life depends upon it--it does!

Fr Solanus Casey, please intercede for him!

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Stop Hyding! Abortion and Health Care Reform

Health Care Update: Abortion, Rationing and Public Option? It

Health Care Update: Abortion, Rationing and Public Option? It’s in There!

I don't care HOW many time we are told the opposite or by whom we are told it. If it is NOT in there, why not write it out with specificity??

Each time they vote against putting specific wording in the bill that disallows our tax money to be used for abortion, that prevents rationing of care, especially for the disabled and the elderly, and protects the consciences of health care workers, etc, they PROVE that we are right about these things being in the bills...

...otherwise, there would be no problem proving that it isn't by adding words that prevent it from happening.

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PSA - Listen to Overpaid Celebrities


Jill Stanek - Crude tweet gets national media attention

Jill Stanek - Crude miscarriage/abortion tweet gets national media attention

I truly dislike even feeling like I want to put this on my blog and give more 'publicity' to her antics, but this woman needs our prayers. Jill Stanek's blog goes into more depth than I intend to on the topic.

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Patrick Madrid: Did You Hear the One About How the Pope Will Be the Beast of Revelation?

Patrick Madrid: Did You Hear the One About How the Pope Will Be the Beast of Revelation?

Better yet, have you managed to get to this point in your Catholic life and NOT heard it a zillion times???

Patrick has a link to his EWTN series "Pope Fiction" that explains 'how to debunk this argument....

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Florida Bishops Oppose Personhood Amendment

Florida Bishops Oppose Personhood Amendment

I read their statement. I still do not quite understand.

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Voice of the laity needed in the public square, writes Archbishop Chaput

Voice of the laity needed in the public square, writes Archbishop Chaput

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Tennessee Man Kills Pregnant Girlfriend, Unborn Baby After Abortion Refusal

Tennessee Man Kills Pregnant Girlfriend, Unborn Baby After Abortion Refusal

This is really very sad....


Murfreesboro, TN ( -- A Tennessee man has been charged with two counts of murder for killing his pregnant girlfriend and her unborn child after she refused his request to get an abortion. Tarance Nelson is charged with two counts of first-degree murder in the shooting deaths of Tonya Johnson, 36, and her baby.

Nelson allegedly killed Johnson and her baby in Friday night and now the 26-year-old remains in custody without bond.

He will appear in court before Judge Lee Wilson, who heads the new Domestic Violence Court, on October 13 to say whether or not he can afford an attorney or needs one appointed for him.

According to the Memphis Commercial Appeal newspaper, friends and neighbors told local police that Johnson and Nelson had been arguing about her pregnancy and that she refused his request to get an abortion.
End quote.

Please go to the website for the rest of the article.

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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

CAMERA: Preliminary Response to Editorial in Jesuit Magazine

CAMERA Snapshots: Preliminary Response to Editorial in Jesuit Magazine

As soon as I saw the headline on Dan Kennedy's message, I knew it had to be America, again. It is....

Quote from CAMERA:
The editors of America, a Catholic newsweekly owned by the Society of Jesus (the Jesuits) recently published an editorial that invokes the Goldstone Report and the Mishneh Torah. This editorial, which amounts to an indictment of Israel, typifies the magazine's troubling double-standard when covering the Arab-Israeli conflict. In the pages of America, violence against Israel is unremarkable, while Israeli efforts to bring this violence to an end are subjected to intense, and unfair scrutiny. Documentation of this tendency can be found here.

CAMERA has submitted a brief, preliminary response to the magazine, but it is unclear whether it will be published on the magazine's website. The text of this preliminary response is displayed below:

End quote. Go to the website to read the text.

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Fiddler's Green - Lanigan's Ball

A friend sent this, and said... I bet you cannot keep up with the words...

The chorus is NO PROBLEM... the rest, well, will need to practice. However, my head's a noddin and my toes are atappin... love it!

And I stepped out, and I stepped in again...

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14-Year-Old Girl Dies After Receiving Cervical Cancer Vaccine

14-Year-Old Girl Dies After Receiving Cervical Cancer Vaccine

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Andy Williams accuses Barack Obama of following Marxist theory

I have always liked Andy Williams! Always!

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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Canadian MP Urges Parliament to Pass Legislation Protecting Life from Conception to Natural Death

Canadian MP Urges Parliament to Pass Legislation Protecting Life from Conception to Natural Death

OTTAWA, Ontario, September 28, 2009 ( - Liberal MP Marlene Jennings (Notre-Dame-de-Grace-Lachine) put forward a petition yesterday calling on the government to adopt effective animal welfare legislation because of the fact that animals feel pain and suffering.
End quote.

Ahhh, yes. Another bill to protect animals, which is NOT bad, if there are corresponding bills to protect our innocent babies from death before birth at the hands of abortionists...or our disabled... or our elderly.

But in Canada, there isn't...
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Patrick Madrid: Catholic Grocery Store Owner Under Attack for Displaying Crucifix

Patrick Madrid: Catholic Grocery Store Owner Under Attack for Displaying Crucifix

There is debate as to whether or not there is persecution of Christians (and Jews, as well) in the US. I tend to fall on the side of "No".... not yet.

But things may be setting themselves up to bring true persecution about in the not so near future. With Clinton bringing back the ol "vast conspiracy of radical right wing" to remind people of 'who the enemy really is', it is getting closer and closer to a time when true persecution for one's Faith enters our nation's borders.

This man came to the attention of others for having a Crucifix in his business! Please also check out the hyperlinks that Patrick Madrid included in his blog.

And also, Peter Kreeft.

God bless!

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Monday, September 28, 2009

Loving an Addicted Person by Jocelyn Storm

Loving an Addicted Person « Jocelyn Storm

This is, perhaps, the hardest lesson for the one who loves an addict. YOU CANNOT CHANGE THEM, but you have been affected by that same addiction, and YOU need to change...probably first, and perhaps...alone. The other person may never recover, but YOU CAN~

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Oh, Bill...Paranoia Reigns...Still?

One way to prevent anyone from really looking at what is going on, or digging too deeply into facts is to make an 'enemy' of those who have strong convictions that are not in alignment with your agenda. By doing this, one can take the focus off of that agenda/behavior, and slam it onto 'the enemy'.

The Jews became the focus of the Nazi regime, and are still the focus of the Middle East countries that were long ago influenced by The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem (himself a Nazi sympathizer). That is only one example. Many have also done the same to the Catholic Church for various reasons.

But there is no conspiracy here! People who are PRO-LIFE from conception to Natural Death are not conspiring. They are disagreeing, and they have that right to do so. They also have the right to defend those who cannot defend themselves, ie, pre-born babies, cognitively and physically disabled, the ill, the infirm, the elderly. They have a duty to do so, as well.

So, I am sick and tired of being LABELED...for I am one of those who practice my Faith and firmly believe that Abortion, Euthanasia, Embryonic Stem Cell research, Cloning, etc are morally and ethically wrong, and as such, are evils.

So, Bill... instead of trying to divert people's attention from the ISSUES by continuing to make them out to be the enemies of the 'State', start to listen, and start to accept responsibility for one's own actions....

Bill Clinton Attacks Pro-Life Americans, Pushes "Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy"
by Steven Ertelt Editor
September 28
, 2009

Washington, DC ( -- Former President Bill Clinton has returned to peddle the myth that pro-life Americans and others opposed to the aggressive pro-abortion agenda of a president are part of some "vast right-wing conspiracy" that supposedly lies about and unfairly attacks presidents with whom they disagree.

The language first cropped up during the Clinton presidency during the 1990s as a way to dismiss attacks on his record without addressing the substance of the opposition.

Now, in a new interview with NBC's "Meet the Press," Clinton is again promoting what many observers consider psychobabble.

Asked by host David Gregory if the "vast right-wing conspiracy" is still present, Clinton responded: "Oh, you bet. Sure it is. It's not as strong as it was, because America's changed demographically, but it's as virulent as it was."

"I mean, they're saying things about him [Obama] -- you know, it's like when they accused me of murder and all that stuff they did," Clinton said.

"It's not really good for the Republicans and the country, what's going on now," Clinton added. "I mean, they may be hurting President Obama. They can take his numbers down, they can run his opposition up. But fundamentally, he and his team have a positive agenda for America."

Go here for the rest of the article....

First Tech Support Guy

This is cute....

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Gavin Mcleod Stars in New Faith-Based Film - Born-Again Christian Gavin Mcleod Stars in New Faith-Based Film

A very long time ago, as a "Stander", several of us were attending a Conference at the Red Lion Inn in Omaha, Nebraska. While there, Gavin and Patty McLeod were remarried at the conference, and I attended the wedding. It was a very hopeful event for those of us who were also praying as Patty McLeod had done. (It was also a bit disconcerting, for it seemed that Kent Axtell was 'using' them to further his own 'ministry', and in later years, his own duplicity became evident).

I had always enjoyed Gavin McLeod's acting, and especially 'The Love Boat', and I followed Patty and Gavin as best I could over the years (hard to do when one does not get the Trinity Broadcasting Network on cable). They began hosting their program, "Back on Course" after their remarriage.

I am going to see this film for two reasons, one of which is Gavin McLeod. But the other is because we do need to support more wholesome films than often come out of 'Hollywood'....

God bless!

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The Loft: OK, kids... Today's lesson: Sing Praises to Obama

The Loft: OK, kids... Today's lesson: Sing Praises to Obama

The other day, I wrote about a video from a school in NJ that is clearly a form of indoctrination, IMHO. Others do as well.

Bobby Eberle has included the words and the video in his blog about it.

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Letter from an American World War II Soldier to His Parents - Kathy Riordan - Open Salon

Letter from an American World War II Soldier to His Parents - Kathy Riordan - Open Salon

A letter home during WWII written by Larry Riordan of WI, describing one of the flights he had taken.

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Glenn Beck Did Not Boil Frog, But His Point Has Legs

Glenn Beck Did not Boil Frog, But His Point Has Legs

It is ridiculous how so many focus on things that are UNIMPORTANT in order to ignore the message that is being given, isn't it?? As I watched this program during its first airing, I KNEW that this would be the focus of liberals...I had no doubt of that...

Friday, September 25, 2009 12:57 PM
By: Dan Weil

The liberal blogosphere came alive with vitriol for Fox News commentator Glenn Beck after he faked throwing a frog into a pot of boiling water.


Then he appeared to throw the frog into a pot on a stove, as steam rose from the pan. When nothing happened, Beck turned back to the camera and said, "OK, forget the frog. I swear I thought they jumped right out, but they don't."

He quickly followed that up with, "Forget about the Republicans, because most of them are fake. Forget about the Democrats, because most of them are fake. And forget about the frog, because it was fake!"

That didn't stop the liberal media from attacking him.

You can read the rest of the article here.

URGENT PRAYER REQUEST: mother dying, unborn child in danger

What Does The Prayer Really Say? URGENT PRAYER REQUEST: mother dying, unborn child in danger

Fr Z has an urgent prayer request for a mother of 11 with a brain tumor, who is pregnant and in danger of dying. He is asking specifically for prayers through the intercession of Ven Pauline Jaricot, in hope of a true miracle that will save the mother and child, and bring Ven Pauline one step closer to Canonization.

From Fr Z:
Perhaps in your goodness, you would think to ask God for a miracle in this concrete case of urgent need.

May I suggest that you ask this miracle through the intercession of Ven. Pauline Jaricot?

Almighty God, who knew us all from before creation called us into being according to Your plan, and knit us together in our mother's wombs,we humbly beseech You, through the intercession of Venerable Pauline Jaricot, who cared for the sick during her earthly life, that the mother Alicia be swiftly and completely cured of her tumor
for her sake,
for her child's sake,
for her family's sake,
for our sake,
and that Your glory and mercy may be manifest.

Venerable Pauline, we ask you in this urgent need, pray now before God's throne that Alicia be completely and swiftly healed by God's miraculous act,
that He be glorified in its working,
that we be edified by His mercy,
that you may be better recognized as God's good servant.
Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we thank you for your gifts and mercy.
In Jesus' Name we beg that this be done according to God's will.


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