This is the one that came today... please remember his parents, especially his Mom (and siblings) in your prayers.
I LOVE the fight in this boy! I had a special love for the really ill children that I took care of as a nurse for so many years like him..and also for the developmentally disabled kids/adults.
St Pio, St Peregrine, be with this family and help this child. Ask the Lord with us for a miracle of complete healing so that this boy can grow up, and be a witness for the power of God!
Jesus, I trust in you!
God bless!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Em
Date: Aug 20, 2007 3:33 PM
This is so gut wrenching for me.. I just don't know what I would do in their shoes.... it is very humbling... Thanks so much for your continued prayers...
I just wanted to give you a little update on Dylan... The spots that they left up in his shoulder are now gone and the spot on his lung is less than a centimeter in size. The doctors still feel he needs radiation, so he will be starting that on the 27th. He will be going through 31 treatments. They are going to be shooting it into the middle of his chest and then letting it spread out, to hit anything they might not be seeing.
Geoff and Mandy do not have peace with this, so please pray for their peace and that this is what really needs to be done. Mandy starts to cry every time she talks about it. Once I have the baby I'm going to help her in taking him down during the week for his treatments. He is on chemo right now and will be taken off on Monday morning around 6:00, he will then have a blood transfusion before coming home this time. Geoff is down there with him this time around, because Mandy just couldn't take much more right now...
Labels: "Will to Live", Cancer, Children, Prayers, UPDATE
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