Monday, August 20, 2007

Fw: a new pic of Dylan

I am not sure that the picture will  show up, but will fix it later. I forgot to send this one, and got another update today, which I will also send. Please keep this entire family in prayer!!
God bless!!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Em 
Date: Aug 12, 2007 10:46 PM

Thought you all might like an update on dylan.  This kid really is amazing... and humbling...  Leann is due any day now with baby girl number three.  There have been a few complications and is currently on bed rest for the next few weeks.  The baby's name will be "Delainie" or "Lanie"for short.....  They are all still very positive and hopeful for Dylans full recovery.  We continue to pray for a miracle!
Thanks again!
Sent: Saturday, August 11, 2007 11:28 PM
Subject: a new pic of Dylan

Good evening,

I just thought you all would enjoy a recent picture of the crazy man.  I found a local photographer who would go to their home and take some pictures of all of them together.  They hadn't taken a family picture for a couple of years.  The lady who did this for them actually spent a few hours with them and in the end charged them nothing for doing it.  Here is one of the many picture she took.   Dylan is doing good and will be going down this Friday to start is fifth round of chemo and to also start radiation.  He does have a spot on his lung at this time, but he's come this far.  I believe with all my heart he will fight it and make it through.

Blessings to all,

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