Thursday, February 23, 2006

Gianna Jessen and Baby Rowan

I had a visitor today from the United Kingdom (Feb 23 2006 8:26:36 am my time (2:26 AM there, I believe) who had used the search words:

gianna jessen on Google

That was it.

Just her name.

I followed the search link that had brought my visitor to my blog just to see where he/she had come in...and the very FIRST entry was one I had not been to before. Reading the first of two that had shown up on the search, and I am again blown away by this young woman.

But before I go on, awhile back I had read a commenter say that Gianna's story is made up.

Those are not exactly the words used, but this commenter was questioning the veracity of her story, saying that there was no proof, etc. I do not remember where I encountered this person, but have to say... there are hospital records AND her birth mother has confirmed her story. Because she was also 'in the system' of foster children, so there are also records to confirm what Gianna and her adoptive mother and grandmother (her former foster mother) have told the world.

Gianna exists, in spite of an attempted, failed saline abortion.

And there are others, too. I really wish that those who do not know Truth when they hear it would take the time to LEARN before they make the denial comments that they make. It would make them sound so much more learned... but then, if they studied the facts, they could not continue to live in denial. Gianna's birthmother learned the truth when SHE delivered her own 'fetus'....and realized that this was a BABY.

Back to Gianna:

This feisty little girl that my children and I were privileged to meet long ago when she first began to sing/speak out publically has grown into a very spunky young woman. She has Cerebral Palsy, but has never let that prevent her from doing anything she sets her mind to accomplish. Read about her Marathon ... and be inspired. There are also other sites to read more on Gianna Jessen beginning here , here, and the same repeated here
where you can find another survivor story.

When reading Charmaine's website, don't miss her hyperlinks to the news articles!

Gianna, Operation Determination... determined...

Abortion Survivor; Marathon Runner

Gianna Jessen, Abortion Survivor -- Country Music Marathon Finisher!

Charmaine Yoest also has another post of interest, which brought her attention to Gianna.
She had written about a baby now named Rowan, whose story can be found here.

Rowan's mother was intending to have an abortion, late term, but something went drastically wrong. She delivered Rowan on her own and he was alive. She cried out for help from the employees of the abortion clinic.

She got no help. Rowan, born alive, died.

Rowan's mother is very honest about her thinking as she made the decision to abort Rowan, and why. She is also very honest about her feelings when she had realized what she had done.

She wants an autopsy to prove he was born alive, but (though REQUIRED when an infant dies suddenly almost any other time... ) the coroner refused, and she cannot afford the cost of one herself. There is a REASON she must prove that Rowan was born alive, because the clinic denies this fact, including the one staff member who had seen Rowan move. Why? Because of the 2002 Federal Born-Alive Infant Protection Act, which requires doctors to attempt to keep alive a baby that survives an abortion.

Liberty Council has issued a statement about Baby Rowan.

Thank you to Charmaine Yoest

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