Tuesday, May 19, 2009

No-Fault Divorce: America’s Divorce Mill by Judy Parejko

I just realized tonight, May 28th, that I had this still in my drafts. Sadly, it should have been published the night I read the article. Too many things going on in my life right now, so please forgive me. And God bless!

A few years ago, I met an extraordinary woman who had been studying how the no fault divorce laws came about, and was transcribing the actual minutes of the meetings. It was then that I also learned that BOTH Roe v Wade and the Uniform Marriage and Divorce Act became 'law' of the land in 1973, and realized that I had been right in my belief that the enemy of our souls was bound and determined to get our children one way or another. If he could not get them through abortion, then he'd get them through the drug and alcohol culture that began to spread across the land rapidly in the late sixties, early seventies. If he could not get them there, he would get them by getting Dad out of the home one way or another, deserving or not.

Abortion, drug/alcohol, divorce (and easy Nullity in Catholic circles) have taken more lives than any other plan the enemy could have devised. It is estimated that 1 in 3 pregnancies is ended by abortion. Of the surviving children, many are born to unmarried parents, and the others have a 50/50 chance of having their parents divorce. Some of those children will go on to repeat the same things that their parents did...many will leave the Church (regardless of denomination).

About the same time that I learned that abortion and no fault forced unilateral divorce became 'law' in the same yr (one in Jan, the other in Aug of 1973), I also learned that the source of the divorce law was Communist Russia.

Judy Parejko's book, Stolen Vows, is excellent in its history of forced unilateral divorce.

So is this article, written by her. And as you read it, remember that if the DIVORCE LAW is from Communist Russia... then ask yourself.... why is our American (US) Catholic Church granting so many NULL verdicts for what are probably very VALID MARRIAGES in God's eyes?

No-Fault Divorce: America’s Divorce Mill
May 18th, 2009 by Judy Parejko

Readers' comments can be viewed and submitted at Catholic Exchange.

What is no-fault divorce?

When you ask most people, they will say it’s a mutual-consent process, or that it preserves privacy , or that it eliminates blame for the failure of the marriage.

Not many people will answer that it’s a lawsuit in which one party is suing the other party. And even fewer will know that it came from the Soviet Union.

Go here for the rest of this very well researched article.

And should this link not work in the future, email me and ask for it, because I have saved it, from the author herself.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

There should be much more momentum behind Judy's work, instead I see that anyone like her who sticks their neck out for what is right gets blocked. Her book isn't even selling it seems to me. Anyone who speaks up on this topic does not seem to get much of a following. We live in a very sick society indeed!? What can those of us who want to reverse the trend and fight this evil (esp. Catholics) do collectively to preserve families, marriage and peace in the home? Any ideas?

Monday, November 30, 2009 at 1:17:00 PM CST  
Blogger WI Catholic said...

I wish I knew. I have my suspicion that MOST do not want to hear TRUTH about the indissolubilty of marriage, of Mortal Sin connected with adultery, etc... that subsequent marriages are also considered adultery, etc.

Most don't want to know that the easy, unilateral, forced, no fault divorce is actually originally from Communist Russia, where it became 'post card' divorce...or that it is probably unconstitutional here in the USA d/t lack of due process for the Respondent, nor the chicanery used to write the Law...or how the first evil was perpetrated by the divorcing legistlator in California after he got it signed into Law by then Gov Reagan to hurt his OWN FAMILY...

It is evil, pure and simple. We do live in a very sick society...and that has also poured over into our Church Tribunals....

I will continue to promote her book, and anything else she wants to send to me for use here... I will continue to stand for my own marriage, UNTIL DEATH parts us...

God bless.

Monday, November 30, 2009 at 7:50:00 PM CST  

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