Latest news about Sr Rosalind!
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From: Daughters of Mary, Mother of Israel's Hope Date: Mon, May 11, 2009 at 4:53 PM
| You are invited to a celebration! for Sister Rosalind Moss |
| As many of you already know Sister Rosalind will be leaving for a year novitiate in a few weeks. During her novitiate she will take on an even fuller life of prayer and study. Sister Rosalind is very excited and deeply desires this for her personal growth and that of the community. We plan to celebrate her vocation by having a gathering of family and friends to support Sister Rosalind and wish her well. The Open House will be at Covenant Network on Saturday May 23rd from 6:30 to 9:00p.m., at 4424 Hampton Ave. St. Louis, MO. Refreshments will be served. Please extend this invitation to any group, organization or individual that would like to come. RSVP to Dee Leahy by email or phone at 314-968-2439. We are looking forward to a fun and relaxing evening. A note for those who wish to assist in the present work at the convent! A wonderful team of volunteers would love for you to join them in any way you wish. Give Dawn a call and she can give you the smorgasbord of possibilities, from data enter to setting up a library or just about anything you can think of. Daughter's of Mary, Mother of Israel's Hope 4950 Heege Road St. Louis, MO 63123 Phone: 314-352-5683 --- Website:
Hope to see you there! Dee Leahy
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