Thursday, August 09, 2007

Baby Wilke and Midnight Warrior (update)

Baby Wilke and Midnight Warrior
Posted by: Bodie & Brock Thoene on Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Dear friends,

Wilke is 8 days old today. Progress is slow but steady. She is able to eat 1cc of milk per feeding. The NICU nurses are wonderful. Weeks and months from now Mommy and Daddy will hold her in their arms and know that your prayers and love were part of the life of Wilke. So many of you have written stories and prayers and scriptures letting Luke and Sarah know you are praying for them and their little one. May the Lord return every blessing on you and your family!

1 Thessalonians 5:15b-18 says, "...Always seek to do good to one another and to everyone. Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you..."

WOW! As we receive and embrace your outpouring of hope and love for baby Wilke, we have become even more aware of how important our prayers are in return for you and for others whom the Holy Spirit brings to our hearts. But how do we keep up with so many needs?
My mother taught me to keep a prayer journal. Hers had a list of hundreds of names. When she saw tragedy on the news, she taught us to pray for those affected.

Scripture says we are to intercede for one another.  "THIS IS THE WILL OF GOD IN CHRIST FOR YOU!"

Your prayers make a difference even in the lives of strangers. Below is a letter and a song called Midnight Warrior written and sent to us from Tiffany Cobb with music and vocal by Lizi Baily. It is so beautiful and touched all of us and especially Sarah when she heard it! We hope you can listen to the song, but if you can't hear it, the words are powerful and true and meant for all of us.

We rest well, knowing there are intercessors standing in the gap for our granddaughter.

Thanks and God's great blessings to you!
Bodie for Brock, Sarah, Luke and all our big family!

Midnight Warrior (c) copyright by TIFFANY COBB and Lizi Baily
All rights reserved

As I read Lori's letter on your website this morning, I knew I just had to send you this song. 
The song is called "Midnight Warrior."   I wrote it three years ago - God gave it to me, really - and then two years ago, a friend of mine wrote the music.  For years and years, God had waked me in the middle of the night to pray for people.  I think at first, I didn't understand that HE was waking me to pray.  Something like Samuel, you know?  But slowly, I came to understand . . . and to obey His call . . .
And then one day, in the fall of 2003, our son, Elijah Israel, was just over two years old. I sat in my driveway and cried out to the Lord, "What are we going to do?"  And he said, "WE are not going to do anything.  I AM."  He began to speak Psalm 121 over me and to explain to me why He had given us the name Elijah Israel for our son.  I cried out to Him, "Please, God, wake someone to pray for this baby like you have waked me to pray for others all these years."  And He did - someone I hardly knew at the time but who has now become like part of our family.  Nearly a year later, standing in my laundry room folding clothes one day, I said, "Lord, how can I say thank you to my friend?  She hardly knew me, didn't even know my child, and yet she obeyed."  And faster than I could write them down, He gave me these words:
In the darkness one night
God woke me and said
You must get up now and pray
For your friend is in need
And I'm counting on you
To stand in the gap until day
So I stood in the gap
As the Enemy flung
His arrows by night and by day
And I took every hit
With the armor of God
Protecting me as I would pray
In the gap
Then the time came when my heart
Was breaking with grief
And I cried out to God in my need
Please wake someone to pray
As You've always waked me
Get them up!
Get them down on their knees!
And my God in His faithfulness
Answered my cry
He spoke softly my name in the night
To my friend as she slept
He said, "Get up and pray,
For I'm counting on you for this fight."
So she stood in the gap
As the Enemy flung
His arrows by night and by day
And she took every hit
With the armor of God
Protecting her as she would pray
In the gap
Friend, if God wakes you up
In the dark of the night
Or stops you in midst of your day
If He brings to your mind
The name of a friend
Trust His Voice, midnight warrior, and pray
Won't you stand in the gap
As the Enemy flings
His arrows by night and by day
Won't you take every hit
With the armor of God
Protecting you now as you pray
In the gap
With the breastplate of righteousness
Shield of the faith,
And the sword of the Spirit in hand
Salvation your helmet
And Truth as your belt
Warrior, stand by the blood of the Lamb!
Soldier, stand in the gap
As the Enemy flings
His arrows by night and by day
Warrior, take every hit
With the armor of God
Protecting you now as you pray
In the gap
I pray this song will minister to you, to Brock, to Sarah, Luke, and Wilke and that you will rest in God's faithfulness to you and in knowing that He has appointed intercessors over each of you.
Much love, many blessings,
Tiffany Cobb

Copyright © 2007


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