Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Bergen-Belsen (April 1945) Ha Tikvah From Thoenebooks

Long ago, when Bodie Thoene JUST began to write and publish her books (she writes and her husband, Brock, does the historical research), I was affected DEEPLY. I had always had a deep awareness of Israel as a nation, and the Holocaust... but these books brought that history even more alive for me.

Well, I have still been following their books as they come out, and have watched their website over the years I have been online.

I get updates from them, and today... oh, today's has a special gift that has me in tears.

Because it says it was 'recently found/discovered/uncovered'... (cannot remember the exact word used)... I almost think that NONE of you have heard this before, either, unless you lived back then and heard the broadcast itself.

Bergen-Belsen was liberated in April of 45... This is their explanation of the recording:

and this is the Ha Tikva .... have Kleenex nearby.... And God bless!

Hebrew lyrics of HaTikva:
Kol od balevav penima
Nefesh yehudi homiya
Ulfatey mizrakh kadima
Ayin leTziyon tzofiya

Od lo avda tikvateynu
Hatikvah bat shnot alpayim
Lihyot am khofshi beartzeynu
Eretz Tziyon vi'Yerushalayim
<repeat last two lines>

English translation of Hatikvah (according to Encyclopedia Judaica):
As long as deep in the heart
The soul of a Jew yearns,
And towards the East
An eye looks to Zion

Our hope is not yet lost
The hope of two thousand years.
To be a free people in our land
The land of Zion and Jerusalem.

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