Thursday, March 16, 2006

Carlie's Killer Sentenced To Death

Carlie Brucia's murderer, torturer, rapist was sentenced to death, with strong words spoken by the Judge.

The Judge reviewed the case, listing the entire scenario, the excuses offered, and the evidence against Joseph Smith before having him stand and hear the sentence. He told him that his crime had more than passed the requirements for Joseph Smith to no longer be entitled to live. He ended with "And God have Mercy on your soul."

As I have said before, I have never been a proponent of Capital Punishment. I have always been grateful that our state has Life Means Life. I am having a very difficult time right now continuing to have that opinion, however, with all of the children murdered, tortured, raped by repeat offenders, as well as so many young women who have also been subjected to the same. Then you add the number of husbands murdering young pregnant wives, and I am tempted sorely to change my mind.

And then yesterday, the US Attorney General announced the arrest of men (and women...? at least one).. involved in a porn ring, internet chat room, including the live video streaming of the sexual molestation of an 18 month old child.... and I begin to wonder exactly what punishment is enough. Is there any?

I think of the priests, ministers, youth ministers, police officers, prison guards, and other men of stature, power, respect that we teach our children to trust, only to have them betray that trust, and I wonder.

Eventually, the Lord will have His say in this. Spouting words of repentance is not enough, if they are not heartfelt.

A murder in the fit of jealous rage is one thing, as inexcusable as it is. Life without the possibility of parole may be justice. But when you add to this cold, calculating intent as in the cases of these children, and as in the recent case where the young woman was murdered and tortured with clear tape wound around her... no need here to go into details... when one sees Judges giving parole and short sentences to those who we already KNOW cannot be cured by treatment... I begin to see the rationale behind Capital Punishment.

I think that the two cases that started this thought process for me were Ted Bundy and Jeffrey Dahmer. But the rash of child murders, young women being murdered, and young pregnant wives being murdered these past couple of years truly makes it difficult for me to continue to maintain my formerly strong opinion. And when I think of an adult sexually molesting a BABY, a TODDLER, and using live video to stream it to others across cyberspace, I am not only nauseated and disgusted, I am outraged. O'Reilly

Years back, my children's former sitter's baby girl was taken from her bedroom through a window and found, dead in a field near the family home. I watched the case of little Adam, whose murderer was never convicted, and see how both of the fathers of these children have gone on to help other families, and it makes me angry that their work does not end. In fact, it is increasing all the time.

When Pope John Paul II died, and then Cardinal Ratzinger spoke before the entire world at the Mass before they entered the Conclave to elect a new Pope, he was speaking Truth:

"Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the church, is often labeled today as a fundamentalism, whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and 'swept along by every wind of teaching,' looks like the only attitude acceptable to today's standards.
We are moving toward a dictatorship of relativism which does not recognize anything as for certain and which has as its highest goal one's own ego and one's own desires."

O'Reilly spoke about it last night on the O'Reilly factor, and gave examples, available online at Fox News videos, under Opinions. It is his Talking Points Memo.


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