Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Haleigh has Defenders from Disablity Rights Groups

Such a cutie!

Who would not be proud to have her for a daughter?

But Haleigh's life has not been easy, and apparently, she was not rescued by those who should have helped her...and then sought to have her life ended after she ended up in the hospital as a result of abuse at the hands of someone who needed to be stopped long ago. Allegedly, her step-father caused severe head injuries to this beautiful little girl...

But Haleigh fought on. In spite of a court order, an appeal delayed events enough that Haleigh was breathing on her own after the ventilator was removed, and continued to grow more responsive. She was recently moved to a Rehab Center....and now some want to have this investigated.

Diane Coleman, president of Not Dead Yet, said the girl would be dead by now if not for the appeal of the court's decision. State officials have also agreed to hold off on ending Poutre's life while they figure out what happened and Gov. Mitt Romney also wants an investigation.

Coleman's group wants to know why doctors at Baystate Medical could be so wrong in their "arrogant and hasty diagnosis" that Haleigh had "no chance of recovering cognitive or sensate functioning," and that she "cannot hear, feel, or respond."

"These doctors must answer to charges of incompetence and negligence," she said and wants to know whether they have withdrawn life support in similar circumstances in the past for other patients.

Coleman also questioned medical tests designed to determine responsiveness.

And it SHOULD be investigated! What IS this rush to kill off the disabled all about??? MONEY?

Fight ON, Haleigh! Fight on!

And awhile back, just to remind everyone that these are PEOPLE, not 'non-productive eaters' or 'shells'....

Rome, Italy (LifeNews.com) -- A man who had been placed in a coma for two years as a result of an automobile accident recently awoke and told doctors and his family that he heard and understood everything going on around him during the time. Read THIS one!!!!!!!!!! (Thanks to Extreme Truths )

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Blogger BlondeBlogger said...

Haleigh's story is heartbreaking. :( Didn't the public learn about the hopes and possibilities of people like her after the Schiavo case? Oh, that's right...the media buried those stories, so the answer is no. What a shame

Tuesday, February 7, 2006 at 2:17:00 PM CST  

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