Monday, February 06, 2006

Caution, Deemed 'Too Graphic' to be Printed...??

I have heard some really silly excuses by newspapers and others in MSM that are given for not allowing Prolife messages in their papers, but this one beats the cake!


Catholic Fire had this posted:

On the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, a local newspaper refused to run any of the three following ads to be paid for by Will County Right to Life in Illinois. The newspaper's ad department stated they were too "graphic." Since when are ultrasounds "graphic"? In fact, these ultrasound photos are beautiful. Parents proudly display them on their refrigerators, for goodness sakes.
What's wrong with these pictures? Why is the mainstream media censoring the truth about preborn babies?

Jill Stanek and Pro-life Blogs.

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Blogger ryan charisma said...


I'm sure that the reason that those ads aren't allowed isn't because of the message so much as how offensive they are. You MUST remember that although you do not believe in abortion; you are NOT the only person/people/religeon in America. Simply put, you're not. And there are pleanty of other good religeons that don't agree with your specific views. That's what makes America so wonderful. Freedom "of" and "from" religeon. And today, we need freedom "from" it more than ever.

Also, just for reference, I don't honestly care at all if a woman decides to carry a child to term or not. I simply don't. I don't see the embreo as anything more than a parasite until it's able function without sucking nutrients and oxygen from it's host (mother). There are so many children in this world that are unloved, unwanted, tortured and abused. That, in fact, to force mothers to carry unwated children to term is crazy and (in the end) worse for the child than if hadn't been born at all. Let's face it, mothers & fathers are killing and beating thier children alot (more so now than ever), and these are the real human children that made it through their mothers vaginas.

So although your beliefs & concerncs are admirable. They have nothing to do with you per se. You're not the mother or the father of every embreo that is being considered to be terminated. When you are pregnant you have every right to decide what you will. It's your life to do so. But in turn, everyone else must have that same right.

No exceptions.

Monday, February 6, 2006 at 1:48:00 PM CST  
Blogger WI Catholic said...

Funny how you immediately assume that this is a religious issue. Freedom goes BOTH ways. This is a right to free speech, not religion. This is a right for a human being to LIVE, not religion. This is an issue of YOUR rights ending where MY rights begin. (As in the MOTHER's Rights end where her BABY's begin...)

National Right to Life is not a religious organization. There are atheists, agnostics, and feminists who are members, as well as Catholics, Lutherans, Jews, Evangelicals, you name it, they are there.

You see, our right is just as strong as yours to have our opinions published, simply using YOUR own reasoning!

As for what you 'see' the baby being... every MD knows that when you have a pregnant woman for a patient, you automatically have TWO patients. That child has totally separate DNA from its mother. It is not a parasite. If your reasoning were taken to its logical conclusion, a nursing infant would not be considered to be a 'real' human.

Choice comes before that child is conceived. If you don't want to get pregnant, don't do what it takes to GET pregnant.

There are options always, for anyone who is pregnant and does not want or cannot raise their baby. Adoption is one very viable option.

There is no right to kill any child. Ever. Period. No exception.

Monday, February 6, 2006 at 2:23:00 PM CST  
Blogger Jean Heimann said...

Feminists for Life is another non-religious pro-life group. It's amazing what lies people will tell themselves and the outrageous excuses they use to justify their murdering babies in the womb. The baby in the womb is a growing,living human beings who is discriminated against by the masses. Cutting up babies' bodies and selling them has become a very financially lucrative market nowadays. The babies feel pain acutely and yet they cannot scream, cry out or even pray. They are the weakest, most helpless victims in our society today. Talk about violence and child abuse! It's very hypocritical that those who are speaking out about their own rights never defend the rights of the most innocent among us. No one has the right to murder their own child -- a gift of life from God.

Let us pray that these pro-death advocates will cease looking at their own selfish desires and stop the volence toward their own children. I pray that God will soften their hearts of steel, and deliver them evil. I ask this in Jesus' name through the intercession of Our Holy Mother, Mary.

God bless you,

Wednesday, February 8, 2006 at 10:10:00 PM CST  
Blogger WI Catholic said...

Amen, Jean! Amen!

Wednesday, February 8, 2006 at 10:45:00 PM CST  

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