Wednesday, January 11, 2006


Dear Senator Edward Kennedy,

Today, you were lambasting Samuel Alito about his promise, his oath, his vow to recuse himself in a certain situation, and accusing him of going back on that oath.

You repeatedly asked him to define how long he intended to keep that oath when he made it.

Senatory Kennedy, you repeated that phrase and others similar to it multiple times, getting more and more vehement each time.

Senator Kennedy, I don't want to cast any aspersions here, but I find your demanding to know just how long this man would keep an oath to recuse himself was intended to be very ridiculous coming from YOU, sir.

What is a vow, an oath, a promise?

Do you recall what you did on Nov 29, 1958? Do you remember where you were that day, and whom you were with? Do you remember what you did, and what you said that day?

I can tell you, sir. You were in Bronxville, New York. You were with Virginia Joan Bennett, in front of many guests and I assume, a priest. You were repeating an oath, a vow, a promise.

HOW LONG, Senator Kennedy, did you intend for that promise, that vow, that oath to last? How long did you expect to be held to that vow, that promise, that oath?

How long did it last? When were you first in the process of breaking that vow, (some authors have Joan speaking to Jackie about her suspicions already in 1960...) and how many times before Chappaquiddick on July 18, 1969 did you break it? How many times after?

You, sir, had no business asking that question as though YOU have never broken any vow, any promise, any oath in your long life.

Casting no aspersions, just asking a question. If you fully intended to keep, and you honestly did keep that oath, that promise, that vow, then it is I who am wrong to be asking.


"I, _(Ted)__ take you _(Joan)__, for my lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part."


JOAN, take this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.


Blogger WI Catholic said...

When a man comes on as strong as this man did to destroy another man's character, about an OATH...he had best have kept his own oaths, regardless of which oath it is.

He had no business whatsoever trying to destroy another man's character. None. And worse, this man used one of the very character defects HE has to accuse another, while never admitting to wrong-doing, while Alito DID admit that he should have recused himself.

Relevant? Yes, very. It takes no morals or ethics to do as he did. It takes moral character to admit that you yourself have not lived up to what you are accusing someone else of doing. But it takes NONE to attempt to destroy another.

Thursday, January 12, 2006 at 1:01:00 AM CST  
Blogger Jean Heimann said...

Senator Kennedy has no business questioning anyone's integrity. He needs to take a good,long look at himself first before judging another.

Excellent post!

Thursday, January 12, 2006 at 1:48:00 AM CST  

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