Monday, January 09, 2006

On Alito

Catholic Fire blogs on the Alito hearings.

I have to say honestly that I can hardly listen to most of those people... and I am praying for Samuel Alito. Alito was approved UNANIMOUSLY in 1990 by a then Democratic majority Senate! Some of the SAME that are now attacking him voraciously! There is an excellent 'resume' to see that lists his qualifications here.

Catholic Fire has written a very good piece on the topic and also points out:
Sen. Charles Schumer, a leading abortion advocate on the committee, called Judge Alito's "quite extreme" and, referring to pro-life groups, he claimed President Bush nominated Alito to placate the "the extreme right wing."

Catholics like myself or those other millions of Catholics throughout the world can hardly be considered "extreme right wing."

On this point, however, I have different thoughts. We ARE their feared extreme right wing!

For a very long time now, I have been pointing out that when they use that term, the right wing anything .. the extreme right wing ... the radical right wing, etc, they ARE speaking of us as practicing Catholics! Most THINK that they simply mean fundamentalists like Falwell and Robertson.

They don't mean just them! And we need to realize this.

They mean those who are pro-life from conception to natural death, who oppose abortion and euthanasia.

They mean those who do not accept the 'homosexual agenda', including same sex marriage.

They mean those who cannot accept embryonic stem cell research and cloning as a good thing!

A practicing Catholic is EXACTLY who they mean! Others fit the category, true. But to a Catholic, the above topics are not negotiable. We are included in what many consider to be 'enemies'... as did Hilary Clinton when she used this phrase over and over and over and....

It is precisely why so many have concerns about so many Catholics being on the US SUPREME COURT! Including.... our CINO Senators.

God bless.


Blogger Jean Heimann said...

It's all a matter of semantics and perception. In my vocabulary -- they are the extremists. Most Catholics and other Christians are normal, moral people with common sense who know the difference between write and wrong. The liberal leftists go to extremes. In my way of thinking, they are extremists.

Because many of them don't even acknowledge that sin exists or don't care, I am sure that my views seem extreme to them.

God bless you,

Tuesday, January 10, 2006 at 12:15:00 AM CST  
Blogger WI Catholic said...

I agree, Jean. But because of what they don't acknowledge, they see us as the enemy of tolerance and rights.

Remember that we have been warned of a time when good will be considered evil, and evil as good. That there will also be a time when people will go to where they have their 'ears tickled' (where they will hear what they want to hear). We, who do know the difference between right and wrong don't tell them what they want to hear. And don't help pass laws that they want passed. We are a 'danger' to their freedom in their estimation.

And those 'Catholic in Name Only' politicians are worse than many others.

God bless you, also! Glad you dropped by!

Tuesday, January 10, 2006 at 12:25:00 AM CST  
Blogger BlondeBlogger said...

I can't stand the CINO's!! The hypocrisy never ceases to amaze me.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006 at 12:41:00 PM CST  
Blogger Jean Heimann said...

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Wednesday, January 11, 2006 at 3:08:00 AM CST  
Blogger Jean Heimann said...

Yes, the battle lines have been drawn. I know exactly what you mean. I was the only pro-life Catholic and the only "conservative" Republican on a local voting discussion panel in my community during the last presidential election and the members of that group felt very threatened and extremely offended by my opinions regarding abortion, same sex marriage, embryonic stem cell research, abstinence education, etc.
One woman (a fallen away Catholic) was really outraged by my beliefs. However, she advocated manadatory sterilization for mentally handicapped people and not one person on that team challenged her. I could hardly believe my ears when I heard some of the immoral thoughts and actions that some these "good citizens" advocated. I was the only person there who spoke out against Planned Parenthood abortion, same sex marriage, Roe V. Wade, euthanasia, and embryonic stem cell research. I was shunned, called names, put down, and treated in a overtly cruel manner by the other team members for my expressing my pro-life Catholic beliefs. In their minds and in their distorted belief systems (they are steeped in the culture of death)I was the extremist and the one with the provocative and outrageous ideas. However, my Catholic spirituality and beliefs are strong enough amd my ability to see and recognize evil for what it truly is keeps me in touch with reality, whereas, those who are entrenched in the culture of death and darkness are confused and cannot respond to others who do not think the way they do with love. Instead, they attack like wild dogs. Being on this team made me realize how important education, prayer, and fasting are to the pro-life movement. I believe that the only way to conquer evil is with good.
Some demons can only be cast out by prayer and fasting and believe me, it has become clear to me that some of these individuals are indeed in dire need of exorcism.

In short, I can definitely relate to the battle that you mention and I am well-prepared, having consecrated myself to Our Blessed Virgin Mary. I also am a daily communicant, pray the rosary and the Liturgy of the Hours daily, go to Eucharistic Adoration at least once a week, and go to Confession at the very least once a month. I believe that if you are going to stand up for the Truth and survive in this culture of death we live in today, these are the essentials. Today, we live as white martyrs for our faith, but I believe that the time is coming when there will be red martyrs for the Catholic faith in the pro-life movement.

Sorry for the length of this post, but I wanted to let you know exactly what my views are in this respect.

God bless you,

P.S. I have had experiences with Catholics in name only that were just as bad as this, simply by being involved in pro-life activities. Yes, they perceive you as a threat to their "freedoms" (sins, which they are in love with and so attached to) when you stand up for the Truth and live out your faith in your life.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006 at 3:19:00 AM CST  
Blogger WI Catholic said...

Oh, do I agree with you! And in many ways, you are even a 'better' Catholic than I am, as I am not a daily Communicant... though work prevents it most times, I am also now being convicted that it is not 'just work'.. thank you, Jean. grin.

I also have gone through what you describe, and even get it for my stand of indissoluble Marriage, etc.

And as far as prayer and fasting goes... that has been proven in my own life many many times. God bless you!!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006 at 4:41:00 AM CST  

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