Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Just Wondering.....

I am wondering, seriously, if there is any way, in present day America, when anyone can ever be tried for Treason any more? With the 'twisting' of 'rights' to include child pornography, etc can anything ever be found to be out of line again?
With the 'anything goes' thinking of today, is anything ever to be considered 'giving aid and comfort to the enemy'?

What does it take today to be labeled AND ultimately convicted to be Treason?

Thinking of this as I heard so many things said today about the war in Iraq, and then hear that the jury found Sami Al-Arian not guilty of many charges..and hung on others, not able to reach any verdict.

I don't know if he is guilty or not, because I have not heard the evidence nor arguments. But... it still makes me wonder... would anyone truly guilty even be found to BE guilty anymore today?


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