Thursday, December 15, 2005

HHHMMM, An Interesting not so "PC" Point..............

On my way home from work this morning, listening to Relevant Radio again, when Glen or Sean mentioned having received an email about the PC not saying Christmas, not wanting Jesus or God mentioned in public, etc.

But, the reader said... they have NO problem when the same names are used in vain.

Wow, how well spoken!

The example given was hearing "Oh my God!" on TV all the time. But I can also add other examples, such as 'God d*** it', and giving Jesus Christ a middle name as in "H".

Why is that? When used appropriately, they don't want to hear it. But how many of those same PC people use any one of these to swear and curse?

I found it interesting to contemplate.....

God bless you!


( photo by Stephen Lyons )


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