Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Orson Scott Card piece on Between Two Worlds

Yesterday, I followed links from Elizabeth Marquardt's blog and read at Maggie's Farm of another excellent article by Orson Scott Card (whom I had never heard of before) about Between Two Worlds.

As one continues to watch the very interesting comments that come from many, one can tell plainly who has READ the book, read her articles, or heard her speak and LISTENED to her when commenting, and one who has simply reacted to the study.

His article is long, but very good. I recommend reading it in its entirety.


Blogger WI Catholic said...

Elizabeth, You just keep telling those of my generation and yours the truth of what you have learned.

Though I am against no fault forced and unilateral divorce, neither one of us is against those necessary divorces that save children's lives and their parent's. Those who have taught that you adjust and overcome were speaking from the perspective of the adult.

You are an entirely different generation, and are the kids that they spoke about from the adult perspective...and they were wrong in many of the assumptions that they made to justify their actions.

We NEED to hear from your generation about this, just as we need to hear from people like Gianna Jessen.

God bless you in your work. And thank you for visiting!

Saturday, December 17, 2005 at 12:38:00 AM CST  

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