Saturday, October 15, 2005

More on Law and Order......

Yesterday, I made my own observations about Law and Order's propaganda program from the other night. Then I checked my email further, and had received this from Nancy Valko, RN.
I could not agree with her more!

Law and Order episode last night was bizarre clone of Terri Schiavo case

I taped last night NBC episode of Law and Order that featured a Terri Schiavo-type case-with some truly bizarre differences. Unfortunately, much of the public is possibly more likely to remember this episode than even the often-distorted facts about the Schiavo case in the mainstream media when they hear about "right to die" cases. This is propaganda rather than entertainment and intentional, in my opinion.

In this episode the husband of "Karen" (a woman judged in a "vegetative" state like Terri) was murdered by a car bomb by a member of Karen's family that opposed the removal of her feeding tube.

Not surprisingly, prolifers (disability activists were briefly mentioned) were portrayed as irrational religious nuts. The husband of "Karen" was portrayed as a loving, grief-stricken man who had fathered 2 children with another woman years after the unnamed incident that caused Karen's brain damage. Just like the media portrayed Michael Schiavo and his girlfriend.

As usual, a malicious and callous minister who was supposed to be the instigator of the murder was involved.

Especially appalling was that Karen's family felt the murder of the husband was a necessary defense to prevent their daughter's death from dehydration. Haven't Terri's parents been vilified enough in the media?

At the very end, Karen's mother speaks on tv claiming that "vegetative" Karen conveyed her feelings of gratitude to her father and brother for trying to save her life by murdering her husband.

And, of course, the Law and Order episode contained the disclaimer that this episode was fictional and not based on actual events!
Nancy V.

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