Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Grand Confusion

Perhaps it is just me, but I was always under the impression that a Grand Jury investigation was secret, and that no one was allowed to know the results until the investigation was completed, and any charges, etc to be made were done and announced.

So where are all these news reports coming from that talk about Rove, etc and possible indictments come from?

More confusion, this woman reporter spends months in jail under contempt of court charges for refusing to divulge her source. Now she is in trouble with her employer, and there is questions about her notes... nevermind...that one REALLY has me confused.

On top of that, the 'leak' did not even involve a covert agent, but an employee of the CIA?

So where are the leaks of the Grand Jury that are feeding this media frenzy coming from?

I don't understand this entire case, and never did. It is more confusing today that it ever was.

Even Alan Derschowitz and Ann Coulter are confused when I listen to them on Cavuto just now. Good to see that I am in company of more well known people than I am.


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