Wednesday, September 28, 2005

I say Puh TAY toes, you say Puh TAH toes....

I have noticed more and more people pronouncing words differently these days than when I learned them, but especially one word and its variations.... hope that the links to the sound work, which need Windows Media...when checking, it looks like the written way of saying them is not turning out at all, but the two ways are EYE de ology or ID eology (long I or short I) so I removed them, and you can find the way they are written out at the American Heritage Dictionary on

Ideology PRONUNCIATION: (note, the second is the way I learned it)
Ideograph PRONUNCIATION: (note, this is the way I pronounce it, short i as in 'ID'

Ideological PRONUNCIATION: (again, the way I learned it is second choice)

Ideography PRONUNCIATION: (THIS time, the short I is first choice...)

etc etc etc... interesting


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