Saturday, September 24, 2005

Me and Others Watching Sarah Grow.....

Sometimes on the many groups on places on the internet, you get a chance to 'know' others from places and ages that you may never have gotten to know in any other way.

And occasionally, you have the privilege of watching some of those people grow ..........Sarah is one of my young friends, having 'met' her while she was yet a college student. There have been many of us that have had the opportunity to watch her struggles, changes, fears, joys, job seeking, etc as she grew from student to working single woman, and have prayed with/for her, laughed with her, advised her, sort of become MORE parents to her over the years (as though she NEEDS

Sarah's professional life has been growing, and she has been humble enough to ask to be taught more by her bosses. Meet my young friend, Sarah, Family Editor, and enjoy her writing as much as we have! As that old saying goes.... you've come a long way, .... Sarah!

God bless, Sarah!


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