Monday, September 26, 2005

For the sins of the father.....

So many people have forgotten a tiny aspect of their belief in 'a woman's right to choose'. The Baby.

I was at work and on break when someone asked me what the book I was reading was about. It was obvious from the title that I had an interest in the Catholic Church, though the book was written by Rabbi David G Dalin (The Myth of Hitler's Pope). She began by saying "I am not Catholic, but I could never accept some of the things that Church teaches!" I smiled and said "That is why we have so many Protestant denominations". (not to mention non-denoms, etc)

It gave her permission, I guess, to continue. Her next comment was "I think that in cases of rape, for instance, a woman should have the right to choose. She should not have to go through that"....

My answer? "So the baby gets the death penalty for the sins of the father?"

The rest of our conversation was about five more minutes, but I did not have to say much more. The seed has been planted. I added only that I am aware of three adoptees who were conceived by rape (date rape or stranger rape) and none of the three are saddened that they did not get the death penalty for the crime that their fathers (not them) had committed, and that the two women I knew of who had chosen life for their children after rape were also VERY glad to have been able to live without the guilt of later realizing that though they had been violated, they had been party to taking an innocent life.........

The 'hard cases'... rape, incest, and health of the mother .... are ways to not really LOOK at what we are saying.

When would we EVER otherwise kill an innocent in order to make life easier for anyone else, other than when we have depersonalized the one we are going to get rid of? For rape and incest, instead of helping, counseling and assisting the woman to term and a final decision about what to do, we call the very tiny and innocent one a 'blob of tissue', 'products of conception'.. 'unwanted'... 'tragic results of a horrific act' (the act IS horrific, there is no argument there)... and we 'mercifully' support her right to 'choose' to get rid of that blob, that unwelcome result of a horrendous act by another.

In the case of rape, sometimes the guilty person is never caught nor punished. In cases of date rape, it is most often not reported, not believed....

In the case of incest, the abortion providers RARELY report an underage girl's pregnancy to the police for prosecution, and the family is getting the abortion to prevent anyone from knowing the truth. In that case, are they truly protecting the underage child from having to go through to term an 'unwanted pregnancy'? Or are they protecting a criminal?

And the 'health of the mother' is such a catch-all, that anything at all can fit under that heading.

So we end up years later with a woman who hurts when she realizes who lost their life for someone else's sin. Post-abortion syndrome is real, and affects many women for the rest of their lives.

I am the mother of two adopted and one birth 'children', now adults. My daughters are forever grateful that their mothers did NOT use the 'choice' that would have prevented them from living. I am forever grateful for the same!! I have four precious grandchildren and my own children because they chose life. And today, a birth half sister became the godmother of my youngest grandchild! For she, also, was gifted with life and grew up in another home, with parents that have been in touch with us since her placement with them!

Long ago, two separate times, two different young pro-abortion women told me that they had a right to their bodies, and that they would rather have their 'kid dead than never know where it was' through adoption! I was stunned the first time I was told this. I just looked at her and said.. Did you hear what you just said???

The second time, I had a different answer. I quietly looked at the young woman and said "My oldest just hugged her birth mother after 26 years, and told her thank you for letting me live! That child that was killed by abortion can never come back to thank you, hold you, hug you, comfort you and tell you that you made a good and wise decision."

Lee Ezell also had that opportunity when her 'baby', Julie Makimaa (the ONLY CHILD LEE EVER HAD BIOLOGICALLY) , came back to her with her husband and two children. Her daughter's husband also had the chance to thank her for allowing him to be able to marry the child long ago rape.

"I was determined that Julie would not find out about her conception through rape. But it was so important to my husband that Julie understood this that he privately chatted on the phone with Julie's husband Bob, telling him the circumstances surrounding her conception. Bob's reaction was simply: ' think that is what happened more than 20 years ago just to give me Julie!'

"The first time we got a glimpse at each other, I know we were both so nervous. Would she like me? What would she look like? And typically, adoptees are risking being rejected again. But as she walked through the door, a mirrored image of myself, we were in awe. The first words she said, as she passed me a baby, was 'now go to your grandma'. Her husband Bob Makimaa waited his turn and then stretched out his long arm to say 'I want to shake your hand, Lee: thank you for not aborting Julie. I can't imagine what my life would be like without Julie and children.'

For what other sin do we execute an innocent victim in place of the one who committed the sin.. the crime? None.

The forgotten one, the tiny one, the one that could bring much joy to many lives forever
.... is not the one who deserves to die. And the mother is not the one who should suffer TWO traumas... one done to her, and one done by her to another....all in the name of 'right to choose'.

"Right is still right if nobody is right,
and wrong is still wrong if everybody is wrong,"
Archbishop Fulton J Sheen author of The Life of Christ


"I will not cooperate with immoral, unjust laws corruptly and cowardly imposed on the American people for the sake of pretending to solve social and economic problems by murdering innocent children...Indeed, I will not obey unjust laws nor consent to cooperate with the murder of the sacred lives of God's precious children. I could no more adhere to the unjust laws of this land, or in any way give credence to evil enshrined in law, than deny God Himself."
~~~Joan Andrews Bell


Blogger BlondeBlogger said...

You're so right on the money with this and good for you for speaking up for life (I'm not always that courageous in face to face situations like that).

Tuesday, September 27, 2005 at 9:42:00 PM CDT  
Blogger WI Catholic said...

It all depends on the circumstances and what is said... but having gone through adoption... there are just so many things now that make it so much more real.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005 at 10:16:00 PM CDT  

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