Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Others NOT impressed....

One of the emails I got on this topic was from Cheryl Ford, RN. She has it on her blog, so I am not going to post it here in full.

She has also asked that people write to protest this award, and has many who did just that, with a copy to her on her blog, also. There are a lot there, already, and I am sure more have been sent.

The thing you must remember is that Terri was DISABLED, and had NO rehab at his orders for years... and he did not protect her needs, etc as a guardian is supposed to do. And he should be given an award for being the outstanding guardian of the year?

This from that article:

"We see a lot of situations where family steps away," said association president-elect Michelle Kenney, a care manager and professional guardian in Broward County. "He stuck by. He didn't walk away."

Added past president Joan Nelson Hook, an attorney from New Port Richey: "He was an ordinary guardian who carried out his duties in extraordinary ways."

He DID? See the last post I wrote here on what it means to 'stick by... stand by' someone you are married to , and how he failed big time...

And Yes, he did carry out his duties in extraordinary ways, all right... clear up to refusing her any therapy, and dehydrating her to death.... and I have to agree:

"Oh, my God, that's offensive," said Brother Paul O'Donnell, a Franciscan friar who serves as the Schindler family spokesman. "Michael Schiavo ... basically let her rot."

If you want to write to protest this 'award'......................continue to read the email I received from Cheryl:

Cheryl Ford RN Comments:
He "stuck by her," Kenny states?
Schiavo has been carry on in an adulterous relationship for over ten years and has fathered two illegitimate children. Immediately after Terri's unexplained tragedy, he had dated several other women. Have the vows and definition of commitment and "sticking by" someone since changed in the last two decades? I don't think so! It is clear that Michelle Kenny is a part of the ignorant clan who paid no attention to the true FACTS behind Terri's situation.
It should not come as a surprise to me that it would be the Florida Guardian Association and the ignorance of its keynote speaker, Kenneth Goodman, who would acknowledge a person like Michael Schiavo. Goodman and I were guest speakers on a Ft. Lauderdale radio talk show a few months back. I decided to use the opportunity to publicly question him about just how much he knew about the specifics of Terri's case. When he could not appropriately respond to my questions on LIVE talk radio, stating he did not have the papers in front of him, it became clear to me that I was wasting my time speaking to a person who did not research the facts regarding Terri Schindler's case. People like Goodman migrate to Florida because of the obvious ease they can make a living advocating for the death of the innocent and disabled. The only "PRIMITIVE" in my opinion, is the thinking of the University of Miami BIOETHICIST, Kenneth Goodman!
It still remains despicable that an organization such as The Florida Guardianship Association would have the audacity to publicly support the cruel murder of a human being, that they would go so far to organize an award for a person like Michael Schiavo!
I surely hope that all the people who wrote and supported Terri throughout her inhumane death will take the time to write and show just how many "THOUSANDS" there are who did not agree with what Michael did to Terri!
Tel: 305-243-5723
Fax: 305-243-6416

Mailman Center for Child Development
Suite 2050
P.O.B. 016960
(UM M-825)
Miami FL 33101
P.O. Box 13978
Tallahassee, FL 32317

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