Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Errors in Judgement

Judge Greer quoted (see article hyperlinked to title) :

"One of the lowest points in Greer's career as a judge came in 1998, when he denied an injunction for a wife seeking protection from her husband. He noted that the woman had not liste d any acts of violence by the man. Days later, the husband stabbed her to death. Greer said he followed the law, and the woman's co-workers protested outside the courthouse. "As a judge, there's always the fear that you're going to miss something and somebody is going to get hurt," Greer said. "It happens in all cases. When you make those kind of decisions, there's very little you can do to be 100 percent certain because you never have 100 percent of the facts." Soon enough, protesters in much greater number would be asking Greer to prolong the life of a woman named Terri Schiavo.

He made an error in judgement that ended in the death of a woman by her husband's hand once before. He is now making the same error in judgement, based on his own error in not looking into Karen Anne Quinlan's case and date of death. Three grave errors, resulting in two dead women.... unless he is willing to ADMIT his error and either order a new trial or rescind his order of execution for Terri. Or direct intervention by way of a miracle....

And we should feel sorry for him?

Lord, have Mercy, on me for my thoughts, and on him for his pride.

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