Sunday, March 06, 2005

It's called CONTROL~~It's called POWER

Many years ago, I became involved in a precious and rather mysterious group known as
"The Adoption Triad".

Though this group will ultimately involve many in the extended realm of families,
the only REAL members of this group are

the Adoptive Parents,
the Birth Parents,
the Adopted Child that they share.

Ultimately, siblings share an interest that can, will, and should include them in this Triad, but not at the same level as those intimately involved. That is why it is called 'Triad'. Three.

No one else should matter. Yet the laws that the various legislatures have passed often pit one against the other, and definitely never recognize the fact that eventually, that 'child' becomes an ADULT. (More from me in the future on this topic)

A few states have begun to reform their laws, but even in those states, there are MANY hoops to jump through.

One is Money.
They charge a lot of money to obtain information that belongs to NO ONE else but to the members of this group, but especially to that 'child'.
And then, they offer to 'search' for the other members of the group and charge MORE money to do so.

Another is the staff workers that have total power and control over any future contact.
An example is in the article below:

March 6, 2005
Modern Love: I Gave Him Up at 16. Could We Try Again?
The grief and shame of losing a son at 16 had stayed with me all my life as a fiercely private sorrow.


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