Saturday, March 05, 2005

Cafeteria/Protestanized Catholic-Speak and me...

I am being convicted in so many areas of my life, and it really sometimes is a very painful process that I try to avoid. (Any humans out there who relish the thought of being convicted of one's sins?)

I am not, and have never claimed to be a Saint. In fact, I will be the first to tell you that I am not even in the running for the title. And sincerely MEAN it, not just trying to 'sound' humble.

"... for what I have done, and for what I have failed to do.... "

The first is almost always easy for me to recognize as sin when I think about what I have done. But the second half of that is an area that gets little attention, usually. The first area can EASILY have 'good things' that fall under it that give us a little pat on the back, too. While examining one's conscience, too often it can also give reasons to justify the Sin. But Sin falls under both COMMISSION (actually doing what is wrong) and OMISSION... (not doing what is right/needs to be done/should be done). The latter can sometimes be the more grave Sin....

I have failed somehow in an area that I will be held accountable for, in spite of really trying to live what our Church teaches. I have not passed on the Truths of the Faith, somehow, in an understandable way. I very sadly realized that when I heard more cafeteria-catholic-speak and protestanized-catholic-speak recently.

Father, forgive me, a sinner.


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