Friday, May 30, 2008

Strong Vatican Decree-- latae sententiae--for 'women priests'

Listening to Relevant Radio again on my way home from work, I heard about a decree from the Vatican that is the strongest statement yet on the ordination of women. It states once again, that the women and any Bishop that participate in any attempted ordination automatically excommunicate themselves. It is called latae sententiae, and it is automatic. No one has to tell you that you are excommunicated.

The news article on Reuters has a headline that isn't exactly accurate. Those participating have already excommunicated themselves simply by virtue of the act of participating in an attempt to ordain women to the priesthood.

Past newstories on this topic from Zenit are below

7 Women Involved in Mock Ordination Face Excommunication

Vatican Warning on Mock Ordination of Women

7 Women Excommunicated as Deadline Passes

Excommunication of 7 Women for Mock Ordination Is Confirmed

Decree on Attempted Ordination of Some Catholic Women


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