Friday, March 16, 2007


Marital Infidelity--Adultery by any other name-- is proof of WHAT???

According to a woman on Fox's Studio B with Shephard Smith , it is proof of the ability to MULTI-TASK, and is therefore a 'good' thing to consider when looking at Presidential candidates????

Not to me. It is evidence that someone is immoral. It is evidence that someone has broken vows. It is evidence that the person is not faithful. It is evidence that the person's word cannot be trusted, nor loyalty. It is evidence that the person can be tempted to walk away from what is right by another, into what is wrong.

It is NOT a good thing. It is an evil thing. It hurts faithful wives/husbands, and the children involved! It hurts extended family. It hurts friends. It hurts society. And most times, that faithful spouse is blamed for one reason or another.

It is called CHEATING for a reason.

It is immoral.

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