Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Hannity, priest clash on doctrine

I watched this interview, and I was distressed, greatly, by the way that Sean Hannity spoke to Fr Euteneuer. He did NOT give Fr a chance to respond to much at all, and if I am not mistaken, he also said that he had been in a seminary at one time. Anyone can respectfully disagree, but to be rude is not conducive to either side hearing the other. Hannity literally rode rough shod over Fr Euteneuer.

Regardless, it is Fr's job to teach and speak Truth, on Catholic teaching. Furthermore, Fr Euteneuer is one of the faithful priests that had nothing to do with those who scandalously betrayed our Church, and he HAS spoken out about it in the past.

Hannity has taken the "JUDGE NOT LEST YE BE JUDGED" Matt 7:1 (RSV) and "ye who is without sin cast the first stone" completely out of Context. The responsibilities of any Catholic include the Corporal and Spiritual Acts of Mercy, ONE of which is to 'Admonish the Sinner!!' And another is to teach those who do not know!!

The spiritual works of mercy are:

And there are times when that admonition should be public, especially when Scandal is possible. and Mortal Sin ("defined as 'grave' is involved. ....Every one, however, whether having an official competency or not, is bound to give the admonition when the sin, committed though it be from ignorance, is hurtful to the offender or a third party or is the occasion of scandal..........

Paul VI was vilified by many for Humanae Vitae (especially by priests (one named Charles Curran in particular) on the steps of the Catholic University in DC), but his words have proven to be very prophetic. I urge you to read it, not just take what others (dissenters) have said about it. Another source for it (besides at the Vatican site itself is here.

Hannity claims to be pro-life, yet ignores the fact that MOST of the artificial birth control means are actually abortifacients (producing abortions by not allowing fertilized eggs to implant)!! Dr J. C. Willke MD, has spent many years trying to educate the public on this subject, and, if you READ THE FINE PRINT OF the birth control literature that is distributed WITH the Pill by the maufacturer, you can find it from the horse's mouth themselves.

There are more and more times that Sean Hannity has been rude to the guests. He would probably get much further by less of that.

God bless!

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From: nancyvalko
Hannity, priest clash on doctrine
March 14, 2007


Conservative commentator Sean Hannity's support for contraception and a segment on his TV show has led to criticism of him as a dissenting "cultural Catholic," led by a priest who heads a major pro-life group and who said Mr. Hannity should be denied Communion.
"I have no problem with birth control. It's a good thing," Mr. Hannity has said, prompting the Rev. Thomas Euteneuer, president of Human Life International, to send a mass e-mail last week calling the Fox News Channel and talk-radio host's repeated public defenses of contraception "just devastating for the faith of others who may be weak or vacillating in this area."
"We have enough pretenders to the title of Catholic in public life without being treated to superficial assessments of profound moral issues. ... Public Catholics like Hannity have no right to profess 'another Gospel,' or the faith of millions -- and indeed their own souls -- are in serious jeopardy," Father Euteneuer said.
The sparks have been flying via the video site and the conservative Catholic blogosphere ever since.
The priest appeared on Friday's "Hannity & Colmes" program, where Mr. Hannity defended himself by telling the priest that he studied Latin and theology, and went to a Catholic school. He repeatedly warned Father Euteneuer by citing the Bible passages of "judge not, lest ye be judged" and "ye who is without sin cast the first stone." Mr. Hannity demanded, "Why don't you work on the corruption in the church? Why don't you work on the sex scandal?"
When Mr. Hannity asked if the priest would deny him Communion, Father Euteneuer responded, "I would."
The Rev. Jonathan Morris, a Fox News commentator, defended his network colleague, saying Father Euteneuer "exercised, on this occasion, shockingly poor judgment," but called it "an honest mistake" in "brandishing law without palpable love."
Prominent Catholic bloggers saw it differently. Amy Welborn at her site criticized Mr. Hannity for "running all over" Father Euteneuer and "refusing to give him three seconds to actually explain church teaching."
Mr. Hannity is not backing down, saying on Monday's radio program that if he were excommunicated he would call the Rev. Jerry Falwell and ask to join his Thomas Road Baptist Church in Lynchburg, Va.

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