Wednesday, November 15, 2006

"It's 1938, Iran is Germany, and the world is doing nothing..."

Addendum Mar 22, 2009. The hannity/colmes link to the interview does not work, and I found others after a visitor to my blog made me aware of that fact. I blogged on it here, with other videos that worked then. I have not checked them out today, at this time.

I have added this video today... it is very close to the other interview, but not quite the same. It well, however, give an idea of what he said.


Benjamin Netanayahu, former Israeli Prime Minister, tells it like it is.

"It is 1938, Iran is Germany, and the world is doing nothing..."

He stated "If this regime, led by a mad leader acquires the weapons of mass death, they will use it. They will certainly use it against MY country. They say it openly....Iran is planning to amass and arsenal of 250 bombs, 25 a year to reach 'the Great Satan'."

He reminds us that Israel is 'the little satan'... but WE are the 'GREAT satan' that the Islamofacists refer to.

Listen to the entire interview on Fox News, Hannity and Colmes, currently found on the right side of the page if the hyperlinks below do not work.

Hannity & Colmes

We need to wake up. Netanyahu said the Iranian President 'Denies the Holocaust while he openly prepares for the next holocaust." He said also, that no one will defend the Jews if the Jews don't defend themselves...

I add that there will be NO ONE to help US, if we don't realize what is happening-- that the Islamofascists long ago declared war on our nation (Embassies, hostages, beheadings, the World Trade Center bombing, USS COLE, 9/11, etc!!) and understand just how close this is getting to a nuclear holocaust.

Someone asked me the other day if N Korea's threatening war worries me... I have to be honest. No. It could happen, but I don't think that N Korea will get away with that type of action.

But Iran is an animal of a different coat entirely.

Iran has a man in power who believes he is to usher in the 12th Imam. Nearly ONE YEAR ago, this man indicated that the 12th Imam would make his appearance in two years....perhaps it is time to once again read Charles Krautkramer's column of Dec 16, 2005.

Netanyahu said "Democracies don't have a good record on this. They didn't in 1938--they don't today". He was referring democracies that failed to stop evil when it stared them in the face, just as it was back then in Germany. TODAY, people... that same demon is roaring.

Scripture tells us that some demons do not leave without prayer and fasting. That should be our first weapon, but then we need to ACT, just as Joshua did to bring down the Walls of Jericho.

We need to wake up before it is too late.

God bless

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