Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Thoughts on Second Amendment......

I came across an article by Robert Avrech of Seraphic Secret quite by accident, when googling someone with a similar name. But the thoughts written in this piece, found on another site altogether, are very similar to those I have had over the years regarding Second Amendment rights.

My thoughts are not only for the Jewish people, but for all Americans. And I can't find one word in that essay, which Robert attributes to his late son's thinking process using Ariel's skills as a Talmudic scholar, that I can disagree with.

By the way... the name that I was attempting to find on Google, I found (unsurprisingly) on Robert's blog. What a tribute he has paid to a retired Chaplain of the Army, his father,
Colonel Abraham Avrech, Ret. US Army.

God bless!!


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