Monday, March 20, 2006

What about Virtue? What about ...gasp... Chastity?


Sitemeter is so much fun. Yesterday, I noted with interest that I had had a visitor who is very dear to me, who then 'out-clicked' to go to read one of the many other sites that I had very recently recommended.

I had put it here in just a short little blurb, without comment, for others to read, thinking that if I make any editorial comments, that they may come back to bite me.

When I noted that this person had gone there, I waited. I KNEW this person would have an 'answer' for me, and I KNEW what would basically be said. (He did, and he did ... grin).

So my answer, my response is... but what about Chastity?

Chastity is NOT just for single people. It is a virtue that is to be practiced by all, including married people. They practice it in relationship to their mate, staying forever faithful to that person until death parts them.

Virtues are important! More later on that subject, as it is time to go meet with the future Mother in Law of my son...

God bless!


Blogger WI Catholic said...

Ah, finally, I can get into my

Same question I have been asking for many years, as well as Committment.

Thanks for coming! Come back again!

God bless!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006 at 11:57:00 AM CST  

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