Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Pregnant Woman Charged With Shooting Herself

Another sad, sad story. Another baby dead. A mother going to jail. Another family member aware of depression... yet stopping short of getting help. So sad. Pray for this family.

Even more sad... Virginia has a Safe Haven Law! She would not be prosecuted for taking her baby to a safe place and leaving her for others to care for.


You can leave your baby,

up to 14 days old,

with an employee

at any medical facility,

or police department

in Virginia.

Click Here to find a hospital in West Virginia.

The Safe Place for Newborns Telephone Crisis Line is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you would like to speak to someone about leaving your newborn baby with the program, call Toll Free:


For general information about the program, or to learn about how to publicize the safe abandonment law in your state, contact Safe Place for Newborns.

What happened to considering adoption? OPEN adoption is available in most places now. At least the child can live.

With EITHER of these options, it is very important that a good medical history accompany the baby for the child's sake later on.

We have the same kind of law in WI, but here, they only have three days, where in VA, it shows that they have up to 14 days...

Death is so final. Safe haven laws and adoption need to be options for people who cannot or choose not to raise their child for whatever reason.

Now, this woman's two other children will be without Mom as well.

How very sad.

Thanks to Alexa

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Blogger BlondeBlogger said...

Oh, that is heartbreaking.

I've worked with the lady who runs in California. She really spearheaded the safehaven laws across the country (she and her husband won the lottery not that long ago and she's starting scholarships for teens in the names of each baby buried in her "garden".)

I actually got in touch with the congressman who was trying to get the safe haven law passed here in VA awhile ago and he said it was just stalled.

Life got busy and I found out not long ago that it finally passed and was overjoyed.

NOW the focus has to be on getting the word out about it.

After a local baby was found here dead from abandonment, I contacted every media outlet I could to ask them to write about the law to help get the word out.

It's just so senseless for these babies to be left alone to die when there is a "safe haven" for them. :(

Thursday, March 2, 2006 at 4:20:00 PM CST  
Blogger WI Catholic said...

I was aware of it passing because of the adoption groups I am part of. Some were not at ALL happy that it passed! They felt that it means that the child will never be able to find its roots someday when it becomes adult.

I would much rather have that problem than to have this happen, or to find a dead baby in the dumpster!!! And I have two adult children, one of who has been reunited with her birth parents, one who wrote and got no response...

Friday, March 3, 2006 at 3:15:00 AM CST  

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