Thursday, March 09, 2006

An Icon

Janjan from With Issue has a really nice post on her blog that gives a wonderful story of an Icon from Russia donated to a Florida Catholic Church by a couple who saw the love of the parishoners for the artwork.

Follow her hyperlinks to get a more full story than what she has written. It is heart-warming....

I do have to personally say one thing about some of the articles. Catholics do not 'pray TO' any artwork, but 'to' the person that it reminds me of. Even the 'pray to' of that statement is often misconstrued by many.

Just as personal family portraits remind us of loved ones, so too do the statues, pictures, icons remind us of a person. We worship the Triune God; we admire and hold in the highest esteem, Mary, His Mother, and we admire and hold in high esteem those who are now part of the Church Triumphant (the Saints in Heaven). When we say 'pray to' in relationship to them, we mean 'talk to' or 'ask', just as we would mean if we asked you to intercede with us for someone who is ill or in need of prayer for any reason.


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